Positive fit test and colonoscopy result.

Hi,Id just like to share my experiences that ive been through over the last few weeks for the benefit of people who are going through the same thing.

Im a 50 year old male and I recently had a fit test result of 16. Not massively over but over nonetheless. Immediately I'm thinking the worse and I was convinced I had bowel cancer. I'd noticed blood whilst wiping on the odd occasion which I'd never seen before. My other symptoms were a change in my toilet habits and occasionally I'd get stomach pains. I'm going to sound like a hypocrite here but stay off Google as it sent me doolally! My anxiety was worsened as well by a work colleague who's recently had bowel cancer but has since made a full recovery. 

Just because your fit test is high it doesn't mean you have cancer. It could be lots of things. Believe me I was the world's worst at being anxious to the point that it made me I'll. Share your thoughts with family and this forum helped me as well.

I had my colonoscopy today. They were really nice and helpful and made me feel totally at ease. The pre examination drink was fowl but I split my drinks into quarter measures and had one every 15 minutes,then the other 4 a few hours later. Be warned though, don't stray to far from a toilet. My colonoscopy was ok, I had the sedation and barely felt anything. They found I had internal piles,4 polops that they removed and I also have colitis. Apparently the colitis can cause slight bleeding. It's quite enflamed down there which I now have to take suppositories for the next month to hopefully get it back to normal. 

Don't be Afraid it could be anything and you really need to have the colonoscopy to give you the all clear and peace of mind.

Good luck and thank you to the good people on here who helped me. 

Take care. 


  • Yes it seems all at once..last couple of weeks just felt a weird lull but all the appointments are a bit freaky but does mean they are being well  thorough with the preparations which is reassuring in itself xx

  • I should think you are well fed up with it!!! Not surprising...maybe tho no news is good news as I do think they get in touch pretty rapidly with worrying things...fingers crossed you hear soon tho xx

  • Hello! Thought I’d pop on and give you an update. 

    Met with the specialist last week and thankfully the cancer hasn’t spread to any other organs! We are so relieved! They are going to do surgery to remove the tumour and take out the surrounding lymph nodes to test them to make sure there is no evidence in cancer in them. All being well the surgery will be the only treatment he needs

    He had a phone call on Tuesday and is booked in for a pre op this coming Tuesday. When we met with the specialist they told us that his surgery will likely be the week after the pre op so at least it’s all happening quickly. 

    Hope you’re all doing well! Xx

  • Oh that's good news it's not spread.. same news I had..such a relief isn't it!! Gosh that's so nice and quick his surgery..sounds like his surgery will be same week as me as all the pre op stuff this coming week...I've got 4 pre op appointments incl with Consultant and Anaesthetist and general checks..will be 6 weeks from diagnosis till surgery for me..can only hope/assume they think nothing that fast growing in that time..do let me know how things are over next week or so...am feeling anxious about surgery but just want it done and horrible thing removed!!!!! Xx

  • That's fantastic news I'm so pleased for you. Hope you managed a lovely sleep last night. You did do well too without sedation well done you. Such a relief its all over for 6 months 

  • Yes it does seem reassuring it will all be over for you soon too. Just you wait bless you xx


  • I spoke to my doctors today she can't believe all this is happening she looked at the hospital records and apparently my latest scan this CT was rejected because im too young I'm 51 next month to have this procedure done. She is going to chase him to see where we go now. Xx

  • Ah that's brilliant news that it hasn't spread. Such a relief for you. Good news his surgery is so quick too. Xx

  • Hiya Amanda, hope your GP has got some more info for you? 

    I've had my appointment with Surgeon this morning..my surgery booked for next Tuesday the 21st...scary as they give you so much stuff pointing out the risks..and they'll take between 15 and 30cm of bowel out..on the positive side they did say about early cancer and likely surgery will be only treatment needed xx

  • Not heard anything yet hopefully I will hear something soon. 

    I wondered this morning if you had an appointment today I was going to message you later actually to see how you are. Yes I bet they did but just think about how they point out risks on everything. There was a long list of risks just for the colonoscopy wasn't there. They have to point out every little thing or you would sue their *** off pardon the pun there!!! But they are very slight risks I bey they were like 1 in 500 or something like that were they. I get you are worried I would be too but you are going to be fine in just over a week it will all be over it will be out of you. That's fantastic news though that surgery is likely to be the only treatment you are going to need so that's brilliant news I'm so pleased for you. Such a relief xx