Breast lump biopsy results aug 21st, anyone want to wait with me?

Hello, I already have a few posts on here but for anyone who hasn't read them, I found a lump last week and was reffered to the breast clinic under the 2ww. I went yesterday and they have done 3 core biopsies on the lump and suspect it maybe a papilloma which they said would need to come out if it was. I was due to get my results on the 14th but as I'm going away for 10 days on Monday my appointment has been put back to the 21st. I'm so anxious and scared, not sure if I'll be able to enjoy my hols. Dont even want to go now if I'm honest but cant let my children down, id rather stay and get the results earlier but I haven't told family as my cousin was diagnosed with bc last year.

Anyway is there anyone else with appointments coming up or test results? We could chat together and try and help each other through this horrendous waiting. Thanks for reading!