Breast lump biopsy results aug 21st, anyone want to wait with me?

Hello, I already have a few posts on here but for anyone who hasn't read them, I found a lump last week and was reffered to the breast clinic under the 2ww. I went yesterday and they have done 3 core biopsies on the lump and suspect it maybe a papilloma which they said would need to come out if it was. I was due to get my results on the 14th but as I'm going away for 10 days on Monday my appointment has been put back to the 21st. I'm so anxious and scared, not sure if I'll be able to enjoy my hols. Dont even want to go now if I'm honest but cant let my children down, id rather stay and get the results earlier but I haven't told family as my cousin was diagnosed with bc last year.

Anyway is there anyone else with appointments coming up or test results? We could chat together and try and help each other through this horrendous waiting. Thanks for reading! 

  • Enjoy the time with uour children as hard as it will be. Had my biopsy too and after few shock and seeing the lump on the scan and asking an opinion I have just about planned my funeral in my head it's ridiculous  results Wednesday just want to get it over now 

  • Hello @RoseInn. Sorry you have more waiting. It is truly awful and I cannot even imagine what it must be like for you. I am finding it bad enough and I haven’t had a biopsy. As you are probably aware, I had breast cyst drained and I think she said mammogram was fine. Niw all of a sudden one week later I have received another appointment for the breast clinic. I know they don’t usually do follow ups for drained cysts (not sure if it was simple cyst or not, thought it was) so wondering why the recall?? Have they taken another look and seen something so decided I need more tests?? More waiting??? 

    This is bad enough as it’s the unknown but you just must be going through a nightmare waiting on biopsy. 
    I hope it all goes well for you. I can understand why you don’t want to go on hols. I’d feel the same. 

    I don’t know about you but this whole episode has made me very depressed and low in mood. it has given me awful flashbacks from when my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer

    i guess you can only try to do your best and enjoy your time with your children.

    Take care my lovely xx

  • Thank you both for replying and good luck to you both on Wednesday! I hope you get good results thattb, I've also done the same its so scary! How has your lump been since its been biospied? Mine seems to have doubled in size but I'm hoping it's just swelling as there is a nasty yellow bruise around it!

    Chel try not to overthink it too much, I know its hard. I don't think they test the cyst fluid although I'm not sure. But I do know they would have told you there and then if there was anything to worry about, its probably just a follow up with the consultant confirming a cyst and are discharging you back to your gp. 

  • Thank you  today I recieved a letter titled ‘follow up’. I’m not sure if it’s standard to use the phrase ‘follow up’ whether it’s results of something good or bad either way?? Reading so much into everything.I feel a bit if an idiot on here as you ladies have actually had biopsies and I haven’t but I remain so fearful as I am aware simple cysts are not usually followed up - at least not for a few weeks Husband, sister and best friend all had cancer and I cannot let go of that fear. It’s so real. I know you are right and they would have told me at the time but my ‘what if??’ gremlin is ever present. 
    wishing you both so much heartfelt luck for positive results. 
    much love


  • Thank you. She did say expected cancer and not a cyst. Tbh since biopsy have obviously been bruised bit  actually thought it was painless. I have not once felt my lump to check what's happening since I guess its best not to know. Just angry I rang doctors 3 times for appointment ringing to be asked what's wrong to say breast lump and being told to ring back when next appts

    released. Only when I sent an email I got a call back which she again said ring back in afternoon to book. I said no will book appt with doctor however long the wait was.  Obviously she said as an exception would book it as I guess was a paper trail how long I would have further waited!!

  • Her opinion was cancer but I did ask direct and asked to see it on ultra sound. Obviously it is an opinion but they know there jobs but clearly Wednesday is the official result but at least I am prepared and hope for best!

  • Hi thattb how did your appointment go yesterday? Good news I hope

  • Unfortunately it is breast cancer thank you for asking 

  • I'm so sorry to hear that, do they know what type of cancer and have they come up with a treatment plan for you?

    Cant imagine how your feeling :(

  • That b sending hugs to you xx