Breast lump biopsy results aug 21st, anyone want to wait with me?

Hello, I already have a few posts on here but for anyone who hasn't read them, I found a lump last week and was reffered to the breast clinic under the 2ww. I went yesterday and they have done 3 core biopsies on the lump and suspect it maybe a papilloma which they said would need to come out if it was. I was due to get my results on the 14th but as I'm going away for 10 days on Monday my appointment has been put back to the 21st. I'm so anxious and scared, not sure if I'll be able to enjoy my hols. Dont even want to go now if I'm honest but cant let my children down, id rather stay and get the results earlier but I haven't told family as my cousin was diagnosed with bc last year.

Anyway is there anyone else with appointments coming up or test results? We could chat together and try and help each other through this horrendous waiting. Thanks for reading! 

  • Ros hiws Cornwall dry I hope I’m back to Uk tomorrow gkad to cool down lol xx 

  • Hi  , I hope you’re doing ok. The waiting is just awful! My situation is slightly different and I’ve had many weeks of waiting for results and really feel for you. I’m now waiting for surgery which is due to take place next month. I’ve booked a holiday with my sisters and I hope we can just go away and forget about this horrible situation for a few days.

    I hope the worrying and thinking doesn’t ruin your holiday and I hope the results are positive. Thinking of you x

  • Keeps raining and is mainly cloudy but the sun occasionally does come out! I wish I was in Spain lol, I bet your home now, hope you had a great holiday! 

  • Thanks sa, sorry to hear you need surgery, have you been diagnosed with bc then? How come you had to wait so long for results? That's shocking! Good idea to book a holiday, are you going anywhere nice? It does help going away, takes your mind off it sometimes but its still there in the back ground. Its a awful wait! 

  • Ros

    yes got hole lunchtime good old fish and chips and my own bed tonight love going away but love getting home too 

    that’s great as long as it’s dry and your getting about better than being at home thinking the time will fly now your appointment be sooner than you think xxx 

  • 10 days to go till I get my results! Seems ages away. So scared and this lump terrifies me im sure its moved and got bigger!

    Yes it is nice getting back home isn't it, can't beat your own bed! 

  • I hope you get good results  and can put this behind you. It sounds mad but despite my good results I’ve become scared of my breasts!?!??! Crazy I know. 

  • Yeah I am alot more aware of my breasts now I don't even want to touch them or look at them! So hard in the shower! Haven't even got my results yet but have doomed myself

  • Hello ladies, just thought I'd write an update. Was supposed to have my appointment on the 22nd, but on my way home from Cornwall today I had a telephone call from the breast nurse. She said the biopsy results show I have a solid benign cyst! Phew! All that worrying during my holiday, imagining it would be the last time I'd be on a beach, I wish I knew before but oh well cant be helped and I'm glad the waiting is over with great news! I explained that my lump seems to have doubled and she said that's normal because I had 3 biopsies took and ill still be swollen, but my body should reabsorb the cyst on its own as they drained off what they could at the time but couldn't on the solid part as they didn't know what it was (told me it looked like a papilloma) if the lump doesn't go ill have to go back to see my gp but for now I'm discharged, just can't wait for the lump to dissappear! Dont know if ill be able to feel the metal clip they left inside as I have no idea how big it is.

    Just wanted to thank you all for all your support, I didn't tell anyone apart from my partner so it's been nice to be able to talk freely on here!

  • Very, very pleased to read your good news.