Hi everyone, after 3 months of tests yesterday I was told I would have to have surgery to remove a large 9cm cyst on my ovary. The doctor said it had solid components which was suspicious. They will remove my right ovary, fallopian tube, appendix and Omentum. I feel quite overwhelmed by all this and it feels like they’re taking so many things out. My ca125 level was 158, I have four other cancer markers tested and they all came back normal. The doctor recommended I have my ca125 retested and also test for ca19-9 as that hasn’t been tested for.
The surgery isn’t going to be keyhole either and I feel so anxious thinking about the recovery period. I was told I would be off work for 6 weeks and unable to do any household chores or drive for 3 months.
I just feel a bit numb and sad. Feels like this has come out of nowhere and suddenly my life has been taken over by it. I was planning a holiday in October to celebrate my birthday but I have to cancel that now. Then there’s the worry and wondering if the cyst is benign or not. I’m in my thirties and haven’t had children yet but I hope that’s something I can still experience one day. Feels like I’ve got a long road ahead. I’ve been able to stay positive and upbeat for the past few months but after yesterdays appointment, I just feel a bit deflated.
I’m sorry for going on, just felt like I needed to get it off my chest.