Breast Lump - Breast Clinic Referral

Hi all, looking for a bit of advice. I'm 27 and I have a very dense and fibrous right breast which has given me a few scares over the past five years. I've been to the breast clinic twice before and thankfully it's just come back as fibrous tissue. I recently found a lump near my nipple this time and I'm just back from my GP appointment. She checked everywhere including the lump but didn't seem concerned. She said it feels like a fibroadenoma and to try and not worry but I'm being referred again for peace of mind/just to make sure. This will be my third time in 5 years so I find it all a bit triggering. Although the lump is firm, she said it's a good sign because it's moveable and it has smooth edges etc. I'm happy that she didn't seem concerned but you never 100% know. Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience? I find it hard trusting health professionals because my health anxiety takes over and I don't want to get my hopes up. Thanks for your time x

  • Even if you take out insurance now, you will be obliged to tell them of you are diagnosed. If you don't and something happens they can decide not to cover you. It's not worth the risk. Of course, I hope you don't need to.

  • Definitely get holiday insurance , they will ask you if you are having investigations but I do think it’s worth it .x 

  • Oh I'll be definitely getting insurance, we are going away next Monday to Cornwall for 10 days so will do it when we get back as money is tight. Hopefully I'll know by then what I'm dealing with (Hopefully not c) not going abroad till the end of October so plenty of time, we always get travel insurance specially when travelling outside the EU

  • Hi Roseninn,

    Most appointment letters advise us to allow about 4 hours for the first appointment. In most cases, it is not as long as this. However, this allows time for the triple test if needed - that's mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy, as you'll be in a queue for the ultrasound and mammogram and may need to wait to see the consultant again after these have all been carried out. There is then usually another wait of 1-2 weeks after that to get the results of your biopsy.

    If the consultant feels that it is definitely a fibroma, there may be no need for a biopsy.

    I sincerely hope that nothing untoward is found. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thanks for explaining that to me jolamine, its nice to know what to expect! Ill defo update you, only 3 more days to go!! 

  • Hey, just looking to have a bit of a vent. Feeling really anxious at the moment. On the lead up to seeing my GP, I had a kind of intermittent burning pain/ache in the same boob and chest. I also had a weird itching sensation in my boob and nipple, not sure if these were hormonal/linked to certain times of the month. The pain sometimes leads up my chest to my shoulder and up my neck, all on the same side. I've been pressing into my boob for almost two weeks straight now, and the more I feel the more anxious I get but I can't seem to help it. It's probably making the pain worse on the same side. Everywhere feels scary, and it's like I can feel a thick hard line of tissue leading from my nipple to other places as well. I'm on some antidepressants which have helped a bit but I'm finding it hard to switch off. I get married in 8 weeks and everyone is talking about how they're excited for it, but I'm struggling at the moment because I don't know what's going to happen. 

  • Awww Anne I know exactly how you feel! I'm trying to stop touching mine, I had a biopsy 2 days ago and I swear the lumps doubled in size! When is your appointment at the breast clinic? I'm on anti anxiety meds which must of calmed me down a bit because my last cancer scare i wouldn't leave my bedroom for 2 weeks and wouldn't speak to anyone not even my children. I feel like that now but managing to get a grip on it abit this time. Maybe you could ask for something for anxiety from your gp? I don't think antidepressants help with the panicking. Hopefully your lump is just what the gp suspects and is harmless, sounds like you need this dark cloud lifting so you can get excited about the wedding which will be fantastic! 

  • You will have some swelling after the biopsy so don't worry. I also started to have weird tingling itchy sensations about 4 days after and still do more than 2 weeks later.  The breast nurse said that was perfectly normal so if that happens don't worry.  I had very little external brusing, a few days after I got a few very small yellow splotches of bruising but nothing to write home about.  

  • I know it hard, my breasts have never been inspected as much as they have been over the past few weeks although the lesion being investigated isn't actually palpable so I am not sure what I keep looking for.  Try to keep busy and I hope this is just another false alarm so you can put it all behind you very shortly. 

  • Yes , mine was sore and bruised for a while . 
    Good luck and best wishes for the wedding too xx