Breast Lump - Breast Clinic Referral

Hi all, looking for a bit of advice. I'm 27 and I have a very dense and fibrous right breast which has given me a few scares over the past five years. I've been to the breast clinic twice before and thankfully it's just come back as fibrous tissue. I recently found a lump near my nipple this time and I'm just back from my GP appointment. She checked everywhere including the lump but didn't seem concerned. She said it feels like a fibroadenoma and to try and not worry but I'm being referred again for peace of mind/just to make sure. This will be my third time in 5 years so I find it all a bit triggering. Although the lump is firm, she said it's a good sign because it's moveable and it has smooth edges etc. I'm happy that she didn't seem concerned but you never 100% know. Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience? I find it hard trusting health professionals because my health anxiety takes over and I don't want to get my hopes up. Thanks for your time x

  • The way you describe your lump sounds exactly like mine. Just above my nipped, firm, smooth, its not round though it feels more bullet shaped and gp said its about 1cm, he also said it feels like a fibroma he called it or blocked milk duct (even though my youngest is 10 and I've never breast fed), the other 2 times you've been to the breast clinic, was it because of a lump? And does it feel the same again this time? Hopefully your not waiting too much longer. This will be my 4th 2ww cancer refferal, all for different things and thankfully all benign but I'm thinking I cant be 4 times lucky. Specially as my cousin was diagnosed with bc just over a year ago so now there is family history! 

  • Hi Chelbel, 

    It depends on whether or not you need a biopsy. If you do, it can take about 1-2 weeks for the results to come back. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer. On both occasions, I was told that the consultant thought that I had cancer straight away, but I still had to wait for the biopsy results to show that this was right. However, that was all 14 years ago and I'm still keeping well.

    I hope that all goes well for you. Here's hoping for good news.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • HI RosenInn, yeah they definitely sound really similar, pretty much the exact same size and feeling. Mine is to the lower inner/inner side of my breast and nipple though. I also feel a small, smooth and moveable lump next to it now but not sure if that's just thickened tissue, a cyst or something else. The other two times it was because of generalised hardening/lumpiness in my breast tissue, and I was digging in to find probably all the normal lumps in my breast tissue. This time feels totally different. A definite lump which is scary but the fact it's so smooth and highly moveable is hopefully a good sign. I feel the same, I worry that I won't get 3 times lucky. It's such a daunting experience but I'm so glad we can all be there to chat and support each other x

  • Mines just above my nipple, not sure if its highly moveabout, I think it moves a bit. I had a cyst on my back last year that they kept telling me was a lipoma and that was perfectly round like a pea. It was there about 5 years then got infected and swelled up and I had to have it drained. Anyway it feels similar to that but its not pea shaped, more bullet shaped and it doesn't hurt at all. Although I'm coming to that time of month now where my breasts swell up and hurt before my period comes so by my appointment on Friday both breasts will be sore so not looking forward to having scans or mammogram! 

    Sounds like yours could be cysts. Finger crossed! 

  • That's good that it moves a bit and I hope none of the tests are too uncomfortable for you! Yeah, fingers crossed but I'm so scared. I've just had my appointment letter through - 9th August at 1.15pm x

  • Thats good news! 5 days after mine! My appointment time is 10am so I'm hoping to be out the house before my children wake up as its school holidays. I'll need to think of a reason as to why I'll be gone. Do you know how long these appointments take? I suppose it varies on what they think it is

  • Yeah, not long after you! My letter says it may take 2-3 hours depending on what kind of tests they need to do, so I'm assuming it will be the same at your clinic x

  • Wonder why mine didn't say a time, gave me no info at all other than if the surgeon thinks ill need surgery then ill need a pre op on the same day! I'm going abroad in October and need to sort some travel insurance out. My other half keeps getting on at me about it. But obviously I keep saying we need to wait to find out, but he's saying we need to do it now incase I do get diagnosed with cancer so it will be cheaper :/

  • Deffo do your holiday insurance it’s a must if you have to change the holiday or move it or something if it’s not insured you could loose the lot , fingers crossed all will be ok but best to think of these things sooner xx I did exact same thing lost a full holiday as I had no insurance for one of mine xx