Positive FIT test

Hi I'm new here. I've had a positive FIT test showing 69.5 and am now terrified I have bowel cancer. Blood tests showed severe anemia hence why I had the FIT test. I was attending the GP for issues with my head (vertigo etc) so have been absolutely blindsided by this! I've had issues with bowels for as long as I can remember but over the last few months severe bloating after food, bowel issues, pain in numbness in lower back and a lot of pressure in my pelvis. Because I've had these for so long I've lived with it and now I'm terrified I've got advanced cancer. Has anyone had this sort of number on a FIT test but didn't have bowel cancer. I'm on the 2 WW for a colonoscopy. I'm sooooo scared x 

  • Im in a similar position. Went to GP after ignoring symptoms for months (like an idiot) bloating after eating, cramps, gas, very itchy bottom, swollen & inflamed bottom, inflamed & itchy skin between bottom and vagina (like there is too much flesh), switching between constipation and loose stools, blood on toilet paper and dripping into toilet bowl, thinner than normal stools, pain in bottom making sitting very uncomfortably, feeling pressure in bottom from both externally pushing up and internally pressing down.  GP did examination and could see a number of fissures - gave me steroid cream for that. Got me to do a FIT test.  GP rang me yesterday to say it was positive for blood - which I was not expecting.I'd not seen any blood on my stool just on the paper or in droplets. She sent me to urgent bloods today which Ive had done, and has done the 2 week urgent referral for a colonoscopy.  There is bowel cancer in the family. Ive had HPV in my 20's and you never get rid of it. Ive had a number of gynae issues resulting in hysterectomy at 32 - cervix showed pre-cancerous cell changes.  So its a waiting game now, am trying not to get carried away but I'd already read all of the symptoms before my initial appointment and had reached the natural conclusion of colorectal cancer.  Urgh

  • Hi sorry for the delay in responding I was all in a flap with myself and made myself come off the internet as it was doing more harm than good to me emotionally! Blimey you've been through the mill with polyps haven't you ️. I hope you've had the results back and all is positive. I've been told the colonoscopy is a 2-4 week wait and that's on the fast track! X

  • I hope you've had the results back and all is ok x

  • It's so awful being in this boat isn't it all the limbo and worrying! I hope you've heard something and all is good x

  • Oh it's such a worry isn't it. People have said to me on here that bleeding can be so many other things than the evil C (which my GP failed to tell me!). The hospital told me that only 4% of people who have positive FIT tests actually have cancer so that's a positive statistic xx

  • It's been a week and I havnt heard anything as of yet, think you hear in 2 weeks if it's anything sinister so another week to go lol it's the waiting around I hate. But since that second colonoscopy I don't need to take the anti sickness tablets anymore so hopefully it's a good sign. I will keep you all updated when I hear back. I do hope all of you have nothing to worry about and everything is okay  

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