Positive FIT test

Hi I'm new here. I've had a positive FIT test showing 69.5 and am now terrified I have bowel cancer. Blood tests showed severe anemia hence why I had the FIT test. I was attending the GP for issues with my head (vertigo etc) so have been absolutely blindsided by this! I've had issues with bowels for as long as I can remember but over the last few months severe bloating after food, bowel issues, pain in numbness in lower back and a lot of pressure in my pelvis. Because I've had these for so long I've lived with it and now I'm terrified I've got advanced cancer. Has anyone had this sort of number on a FIT test but didn't have bowel cancer. I'm on the 2 WW for a colonoscopy. I'm sooooo scared x 

  • I'm not saying there's nothing wrong but fit tests can be up in the hundreds .

  • The vast majority of people who have a positive FIT don't have bowel cancer. It only tests for blood in the stool and lots of things can cause that- polyps, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's, diverculitis, hemorrhoids... 

  • I had a pos fit test last Thursday I have had bright red blood on stools for three years but was told it was a fissure it was only in feb I was told I would be given a fit test a month later it was posted out. 

    because it's the only symptom I have I am hopeful I'm ok I didn't ask what the number was am too scared three young babies here to look after :( 

  • Aww bless you, it's so scary isn't it. I hadn't asked my number re the fit test from my gp initially  cos I was so shocked with going to the gp about my head and being told you might have bowel cancer! I rang up today to ask.  I wish he'd elaborated on the fact it could be other things that could be wrong and not scare me to death! I didn't even know there was a number value for the fit. I'm fingers and toe crossing for you that it's all ok for you. I'm sure it is with only having the one symptom. I haven't told my kids (aged 30, 27 ans 15) until I know more. Let me know how you get on. Sending virtual hugs xx

  • Thankyou for your reassurance xx

  • Fingers crossed for you too my Gp was very blasé about it 


    I rang the consultants office today just to make sure the red flag referral has went through and the secretary told me she had printed off the results and put them in the consultants post and 'that's as red flagged as you can get' hopefully we both get good news thinking of you x

  • Hi, I'm 35 and had a positive fit test of 42. I had symptoms of fatigue, nausea and bright red blood in my stool and because of the positive fit test was put on the 2 week colonoscopy wait. They found 7 polyps sized 2-4mm which were removed and sent for biopsy on the 6th May but they also found a 20mm polyp that I had to have another colonoscopy to remove, was told it was only to remove the large one but my second colonoscopy yesterday and they actually removed another 10 lol . All been removed and sent for biopsy and just waiting on the results. I like you was worried about being on that 2 week waiting list and even more scared now they found and removed all these polyps. It is a very stressful time and I understand how you feel, your not the only one going through this and hopefully everything will work out fine for all of us. A positive fit test can be from a many number of things it doesn't mean it's definitely cancer.

  • Hey been reading this post as I went for my FIT test today.

    Anxiety all over the place, and haven't even had the results yet. Blood tests Friday too. 

    But this positive reply helps. 

    Did they say why there is so many polyp's? 

  • Yes anxiety definitely got the better of me on a few occasions leading up to this lol it's not the nicest thing to be be waiting around for. Have no idea about anything at the moment, I guess I will hear from the referring consultant when the histology results come back.... the waiting around is the worst. If you do have to have a colonoscopy they will tell you after the procedure in recovery if they found anything for example polyps and you get a report to take home with you too with pictures. If I have any advise it would be don't google anything cause it all says it's doom and gloom, trust me I done it myself.