Hi all,
I hope someone can relate to this and help me. I have googled (I know I shouldn't!) but nothing seems to relate to what I have. In 2022, I found 2 lumps at the bottom of my neck (shoulder area) one above the other. I was obviously very worried and checked my whole neck for more but couldn't find any. The lumps were firm, (slightly) moveable, and not visable. Obviously worried, I went to see my gp who said she didn't feel much, but due to me being anxious ordered blood work and an ultrasound. Bloods came back fine, and ultrasound identified that they were 'nothing sinister just tiny little lymph nodes'. I check them occasionally, and they still haven't got bigger which is positive.
Fast forward to March 2023, I am out on a walk and feel a third lump same side (left) just above my collar bone. At the time it was tiny, but has since got a bit bigger, I would say a bit bigger than a bean. This one is very movable, hard, and just above my collarbone. Panicked again, I went to see my gp, who said she thought it was a part of my neck muscle, but ordered blood work as she could see I was very visable worried. I am getting my bloods next week, but I know even if it's clear it won't be reassuring, as bloods cannot identify sinister causes.
I have no other symptoms, but I wm extremely concerned that there is now 3 firm lumps on the same side of my neck under the skin. I sort of feel like I'm being dismissed by doctors and this is actually concerning, having 3 lumps in one area is not normal i know this. Has anyone else experienced something similar? Lumps under the skin that are hard with no other symptoms?
Very worried. Thanks for reading!