Im really nervous to post but needed to see if others have had a similar experience. I attended my GP with symptoms including bowel changes and pain in my stomach, she did an internal and felt what she believed was a mass on my ovary, my ca125 results are also elevated. I'm only 30 with 2 young kids and I am absolutely terrified.
Has anyone had a similar experience that had good news from this? I've no idea what to expect, my body has went into total shock and I can barely eat or sleep. Any advice would be greatly appreciated xx
EDIT - I have had my ultrasound and the sonographer is fairly certain I have a Teratoma Tumour (Also called a dermoid cyst) - it is confined to my right ovary only and will need removed surgically and have a biopsy but I've been reassured that this is quite common in my age group. I hope if anyone is reading this for information/support feels a bit reassured by my post, I've been terrified and expecting the worst and just needed some positive stories during the investigating so hope it gives you that xx