Very high FIT test result

Hello all,

I'm a 50+ man and got the result of my second FIT test yesterday. To be honest am feeling a bit freaked out - actually majorly freaked out. Reason for the test was that I've had intermittent mild abdominal pain for about 6 months. I assumed it was a muscular problem when clearly it wasn't.

The result of the first test was over 900 and the second around 1000. So there's little doubt there's blood in the samples (even though none was visible). My GP has made an urgent referral to the colorectal clinic at the hospital. It's hard not to google things like this when you're in shock (have tried to only read stuff from reputable sources), and I understand that there are a number of things that can be causing blood in the stool: ulcers, polyps, hemorrhoids as well as cancer. Though looking through different forums, I've not seen anyone report figures like this and things feel pretty bleak today.

Not really sure why I'm writing this, as I realise nothing new will be known until I get the referral/have colonoscopy. Maybe it's just to know that other people are going through the same thing, or even just understand what I'm talking about. Thanks for reading :)


  • 16 is definitely on the lower side. As you can see, people in this thread have gotten results of 300 and 900 and so on.

    And many things can cause blood in the stool, especially as 16 indicates only a small amount. Most likely explanation is something like hemorrhoids or a fissure or something really minor. Cancer probably isn't in the top five most likely explanations.

  • I’m glad I’ve found this thread, my 80 year old husband had kidney cancer 5 years ago, on his yearly CT scan they found he had stomach and lymphoma cancer, had his stomach out last Jan then radiotherapy to his groin for the lymphoma finished about 8 weeks ago. He had full blood test last month for the stomach cancer, low iron was found so a FIT test was done 2 times and blood was in it, first 28 second 63. He’s having another CT scan on Sat to make sure the stomach parts ok and a face to face at the hospital. He can’t drink the prep for the colonoscopy as he’s no stomach so his CNS said maybe an enema and a CTC scan instead, whatever that is.My husbands so positive I’m the other way and googled everything I can find. Don’t know why I’m writing this really but it does help and sorry it’s so long but he has a lot going on. Thanks for reading anyhow xx

  • Hi he has got a lot going on Sue ,it must be an awful worry ,the only thing I can say really is the fact 63 for a fit test is quite low considering it can go up to the high hundreds but I guess with all the other stuff going on its still a big worry ,I've heard of others not being able to drink the prep and having a scan instead ,its great to hear your husband is so positive it will help his journey ,I hope everything goes as well as it possibly can for him if he gets the CTC scan ,let us know how he gets on if you feel like a chat Best Wishes to you both x

  • The worst thing Is when I rang my gp on Friday about the result of the test I was told that there was no excess blood found in stool so after that news I was really relieved. I then get a call from the hospital this morning about getting me in and the lady told me my reading was over at 16. Straight away I was worrying again. I was actually signed off sick by my gp for stress so when I was told that news on Friday I decided to go back to work today. On discovering this thread though mine doesn't seem high at all compared to others. I had nothing to compare my reading to earlier. I just wish I could go to sleep and wake and it'll be over.

  • SueCC,he sounds like a real battler.

  • Thanks Steve, yes he is, I think it’s his army training, he did 22 years he doesn’t dwell on things says he’ll worry if the time comes like he did with his other cancers, I just wish I was like that. Your16 doesn’t seem very high after all the googling I’ve done.. Good luck and let us know how you get on X

  • Hi ,yes 16 is very low ,I believe anything over 10 and they will inform you its elevated ,mine was 15 and it turned out to be nothing serious after having all the tests etc .

  • SueCC yes it sounds like it. It'd almost like he's been programmed to switch off from certain things maybe? I wish I was like that!

  • Jenny 3109,that's good that yours turned out to be northing. The only thing that worries me a little is I occasionally get blood when wiping, but you think the worst don't you. My toilet habits have always been a bit erratic as well depending on what I eat. My wife thinks I have ibs as its been going on for years. I mentioned it to the doctor the other week and she did say that it's likely I have it,but it would be nice to get a proper diagnosis. 

    MargaretMary,my reply at the top was for you but it doesn't seem to let me reply direct!