Very high FIT test result

Hello all,

I'm a 50+ man and got the result of my second FIT test yesterday. To be honest am feeling a bit freaked out - actually majorly freaked out. Reason for the test was that I've had intermittent mild abdominal pain for about 6 months. I assumed it was a muscular problem when clearly it wasn't.

The result of the first test was over 900 and the second around 1000. So there's little doubt there's blood in the samples (even though none was visible). My GP has made an urgent referral to the colorectal clinic at the hospital. It's hard not to google things like this when you're in shock (have tried to only read stuff from reputable sources), and I understand that there are a number of things that can be causing blood in the stool: ulcers, polyps, hemorrhoids as well as cancer. Though looking through different forums, I've not seen anyone report figures like this and things feel pretty bleak today.

Not really sure why I'm writing this, as I realise nothing new will be known until I get the referral/have colonoscopy. Maybe it's just to know that other people are going through the same thing, or even just understand what I'm talking about. Thanks for reading :)


  • Hello BillinG and a big welcome to Cancer Chat, 

    I am so sorry to hear about your test results. It's good that your GP has referred you to the colorectal clinic and that you will get referred to have a colonoscopy. As you said though, there are so many different reasons which may explain a high result so try not to think too much about this until you get your definite results. Easier said than done though for sure and you are right it's best not to google anything or it will make you even more anxious and it won't give you any reliable answers. Try if you can to keep distracted and busy while you are waiting to find out more. There are helpful tips on this page to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    I hope you will also hear from others here who have been  through all this before or are going through this at the moment and that they will be along soon to share their story with you. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that everything turns out fine. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for your reply Lucie,

    And for the tips -I'll have a look at those. Easier said than done as you said!

    All the best


  • Hi B,

    Similar situation, FIT result over 300, colonoscopy booked very policy... I'll worry when I need to....but it is hard to stay focused on the day to day.... consultant was reassuring....5/6 people don't have a's something else.... keep positive, best of luck.


  • Hi C,

    Thanks for your reply. That's the same advice I would give - no point in worrying about what hasn't happened yet.. though sometimes it's hard to take your own advice! That's reassuring to hear re the 5/6 people. All the best.


  • Hello C,

    Good luck with the colonoscopy, and yes let's hope it's something else. Let us know how you get on?


  • Hi 

    I'm older than you in my 70s. Mentioned in passing to GP my motions were loose and more frequent. Just had positive FIT test. I'm confused as she said mine was 6 I'm reading yours was 900 so wondering if they have made an error in mine. The GP did say it was only just over what it should be. Had blood tests thismorning but because of my age convinced I have bowel cancer. I have to wait for the blood results then she said she would refer me (not sure who to or what for) Like you I have no visible blood. Hope all will be well with you. I have terrible health anxiety and like you don't know why I am writing this but there are probably people going through the same as us and will understand. Does anyone know what a reading of 6 means? On top of all this my lovely husband died suddenly in his sleep 10 months ago so don't have him to lean on.    
    Taje Care                     



  • I'm surprised they would consider 6 positive. From what I've seen online, anything under 10 is generally considered a normal result. I assume they are just being super-careful. Most people get under 10, by the way, and you would definitely not expect to see blood at that point. A reading of 6 means very little blood in stool.

    If you google "what is a normal FIT result?" or "what does a FIT result of 6 mean?" you'll get some more information.

    I will add that even a high result just means there is blood in your stool. It doesn't give any indication of what is causing that blood. I think bowel cancer is pretty unlikely if your result is under 10, but even over that, there are still many things more likely to be causing the bleeding than cancer.

  • Thankyou you Margaret Mary for your reply. It has given me some reassurance. Since my husband died my health anxiety has got out of control and hopefully I am worrying needlessly! 
    Thank you so much again. 

  • Hi Ah2424,

    I'd echo what MargaretMary says. It does sound like they are just being extra careful.

    The clinic I spoke to today said that even high test results don't neccesarily mean cancer. And also that there are a lot of other things that could cause a positive result, like piles etc.

    Please try not to worry too much.

  • Thank you so much for your reply. Must admit I did freak out when the Dr called me. I've looked at 'Dr Google' and I know should stay away from it but it does say it can be numerous other things! With me it always has to be the worse scenario!! 
    Far more cases in the over 60s (your alright!) and at my age feel I am doomed!! Thank you once again I do appreciate it.