Hello all,
I'm a 50+ man and got the result of my second FIT test yesterday. To be honest am feeling a bit freaked out - actually majorly freaked out. Reason for the test was that I've had intermittent mild abdominal pain for about 6 months. I assumed it was a muscular problem when clearly it wasn't.
The result of the first test was over 900 and the second around 1000. So there's little doubt there's blood in the samples (even though none was visible). My GP has made an urgent referral to the colorectal clinic at the hospital. It's hard not to google things like this when you're in shock (have tried to only read stuff from reputable sources), and I understand that there are a number of things that can be causing blood in the stool: ulcers, polyps, hemorrhoids as well as cancer. Though looking through different forums, I've not seen anyone report figures like this and things feel pretty bleak today.
Not really sure why I'm writing this, as I realise nothing new will be known until I get the referral/have colonoscopy. Maybe it's just to know that other people are going through the same thing, or even just understand what I'm talking about. Thanks for reading :)