Very high FIT test result

Hello all,

I'm a 50+ man and got the result of my second FIT test yesterday. To be honest am feeling a bit freaked out - actually majorly freaked out. Reason for the test was that I've had intermittent mild abdominal pain for about 6 months. I assumed it was a muscular problem when clearly it wasn't.

The result of the first test was over 900 and the second around 1000. So there's little doubt there's blood in the samples (even though none was visible). My GP has made an urgent referral to the colorectal clinic at the hospital. It's hard not to google things like this when you're in shock (have tried to only read stuff from reputable sources), and I understand that there are a number of things that can be causing blood in the stool: ulcers, polyps, hemorrhoids as well as cancer. Though looking through different forums, I've not seen anyone report figures like this and things feel pretty bleak today.

Not really sure why I'm writing this, as I realise nothing new will be known until I get the referral/have colonoscopy. Maybe it's just to know that other people are going through the same thing, or even just understand what I'm talking about. Thanks for reading :)


  • In case it helps anyone: have had colonoscopy and two sigmoidoscopy (feels similar) and about 10 polyps removed since the high FIT test. None of the polyps have been cancerous.
    So just to say that a high fit test result doesn’t always mean the worst. Take care

  • Hi BillinG,

    I've just come across your thread and am so grateful to have found it.

    My husband had a FIT score of 985 today.  He's had visible blood in his stools for months and a dull ache in the lower back also for months.  He's been told he has a haemerrhoid, but we don't believe that this is the cause of his test result.  He has an emergency colonoscopy booked for next week as screening service consider him "high cancer risk" so we are terrified.  

    I'm pleased for you that all worked out well, and I'm hoping that despite his high reading that he will be as lucky.  Thank you for sharing your story as everything else I read is doom and gloom.

    Pray you keep well.

  • Hi Nuela,

    Thank you for your message.

    I'm pleased that your husband has a colonoscopy scheduled so quickly. Hopefully you'll get some answers quickly, as the worst part (as I'm sure you know) is not knowing what you're dealing with, and all of the thinking and worrying that this creates.

    Sending you both positive thoughts for next week.


  • So grateful to come across this note and appreciate your sharing it. I've just had a positive FIT test of over 400. Been Googling far too much and got myself in a bit of a state. 
    I have a colonoscopy booked for Sunday 30th and you're all right. The waiting and thinking is horrific for both me and my husband. 
    Good and reassuring to hear lots of you get positive outcomes. 

  • Good news that you have the colonoscopy booked so soon. It's not so bad a procedure, and at least after that you'll know what's causing the high fit test.
    I did the same with the googling and it didn't help me either.
    Sending you positive thoughts for Sunday week...

  • Procedure all done and now home. Really wasn't too bad. Knowing I'd soon have answers made it easier to deal with. And the great news is that despite the high FIT result there is no evidence of cancer. I've been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. 
    Such a relief. 

  • Hi BillingG,

    Read your blog, and you seem to be upto spec on the fact it could be ang of z number of things. J had a positive fit test which ended up being a mid rectal cancerous tumour, which, I have just had removed. And there was no blood visible at time of test. And yet a guy not far from me had visible blood, ended up going for colonoscopy to be told it was  haemorrhoids. So don't beat yourself up at the moment,  until you'd told by health care professionals what it is, no point in worrying. If you have had pain got 6 months another couple of weeks will make no difference.



  • I was wondering earlier how it went with you. That it great news re there being no evidence of cancer.

  • Hi,sorry to gatecrash this thread but I've had a reading today of 16. I know it's over the limit of 10 but do you or anyone else know if this is on the lower side? I'm in a pretty dark place right now and I'm terrified. I've not long turned 50 and now this. Reading some of the posts on here makes me think mine is quite low or not far over the threshold so to speak. Can someone give me some kind of advice or reassurance? I'm having the colonoscopy within the next 2 weeks and I'm worried sick.