Biopsy taken at colonoscopy. Now thinking the worse

today I had my colonoscopy, they found diviticulitus and proctitis but took 4 biopsy. Said I will have results within 3 weeks. They didn't say what the biopsy's were for and now I'm thinking the worse. Would they have told me there and then if that's what they took the biopsy's for to confirm colon cancer?

when I looked up the dr I will be seeing in 3 weeks he specialises in Colon Cancer. Extremely worried. 

  • Hello rosie81,  

    I can imagine it must be a very stressful time for you while waiting for these important  biopsy results. Three weeks can feel like a lifetime. Don't worry about the fact that the doctor you will be seeing specialises in colon cancer - a lot of specialists do, but it doesn't mean that they are not also experts in all the other gastro-intestinal conditions like diverticulitis.  

    I know it is really hard but try not to worry too much or anticipate what it might be. The best thing to do to avoid thinking too much about this is to keep busy and distracted if you can and avoid looking things up online. I can imagine it is hard for you to do this at the moment but it will help you feel a little less anxious. 

    I hope you will also hear from others here who have been through all this before and that they will be along soon to share their story with you. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that everything turns out fine. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator


  • Hello Rosie81,

                            sorry to hear you needed a colonoscopy but pleased to hear you have had it. l think you can read too much into the fact that biopsy's were taken,in my three appearances it was standard practice while they were there,Remember its a two way street in that they confirm nothing present as well,and any results from them would only be announced when the samples have been cultured in the lab.Sorry its a waiting game but that can be for good news too,


  • Hi rosie81.

    Please note that I'm not a doctor and I have no medical qualifications.

    It is extremely common to take biopsies during a colonoscopy.  I'm not aware of anyone who's had one without biopsies being taken.  It is also quite usual for the specialist you see to be a cancer specialst and you shouldn't read anything into this. 

    Most colon cancers start as small growths ("polyps") in the bowel, and during the colonoscopy, it is routine to remove for biopsy every polyp that they find.  But once they've been removed, they're no longer there to cause cancer in the future, and if any of them were cancerous, then by removing them you may well have been cured already. 

    After my colonoscopy a few years ago I was given a copy of the report to take away with me.  That may not be standard practice, but your GP should be able to get a copy of it through their surgery's computer system.  I suggest you ring the surgery when it next opens and ask whether you can get a copy of the report.  This will at least tell you where you stand. 

    All the best.
