Appendix cancer

Hi all. 

Well i never thought I would be here. Just found out after having my appendix removed that there was a Tumour in there. Apparently it's quite a rare form of cancer! Everything has happened so quickly and I cant seem to get any answers from anywhere.

It was "sorry to tell you but there was a tumour in your appendix"

"an MDT will sit down on friday and they will go from there"

Sent home from the hospital (I had gone back in pain 2 weeks after having 'acute appendicitis') with no information  just that it's a rare form of cancer. I'm only 32. I'm absolutely petrified, I had my appendix out on the 3rd of march and I'm still in horrible pain, hurts mostly when I eat. Cant go to the toilet properly either. I went back the following day for a CT scan and still wasnt told much either just that it's being handled by an MDT!! All I really know is that the tumor had caused the appendicitis. I do know that they went back and looked at my appendix after I returned to hospital in pain. What do I. Who do i talk to. How long do i wait. I have 2 children and i can barely look at them without breaking inside. 

  • Hi

    Hope it's ok to jump in with my story!?

    I had appendicitis Sept 2017, removed, biopsy showed Cancer...don't know why I gave it a capital letter I had a right hemicolectomy done then chemo for 3 months. My life was turned upside down.... as well as my family and friends. Lots of positivity and got there. Back to work and some normality. Continued with bloods and CT scan. October 2019 enlarged ovary, March 2020, ultrasound and internal scan, another CT scan, cyst? Had grew 10x10x6 cm. Scheduled for full hysterectomy in Edinburgh. Surgery went well then blocked bowel and another week in hospital, quite poorly. Covid is a nightmare, seen hubby one hour a day  

    Waited for 3 weeks on the biopsy results, waiting is so hard appears the cancer had spread through my intestines and latched on to ovary. Now waited 4 weeks to find out what happens next as my hospital has referred my case to Basingstoke. Hoping now the cancer has been removed I will just be monitored for the next few years but every twinge and niggle I'm terrified it's spreading elsewhere. 

    More positivity needed but struggling.

    Best news on the way though i'm going to be a granny in 5 weeks


    Diane xxx

  • Hi Diane,


    How are you doing? I can only imagine how hard this is for you especially with COVID thrown in to the mix. I'm sending you lots of positive thoughts. 

    I know how you feel with every twinge and niggle making you worry. That's my issue at the moment. Everything has come back clear for me and I have now just to be monitored for the next 10 years as per the recommendation from Baisingstoke.

    Every twinge and niggle now though has me in a little bit of a panic but I guess this is normal?! 


    Take time to enjoy that new bundle of joy that's arriving soon.

    I hope everyone else on this thread is doing ok. Here for you all if you ever need you chat



  • Hi, I've just been reading these messages as I've just been diagnosed with mucinous  tumour of appendix which had ruptured. Full hysterectomy and appendix removed. Now diagnosis of PMP and being monitored . Told I will need further HIPEC surgery but no time line. Terrified and totally lost. Any positive thoughts or any shared experiences would be good to hear. Cathy

  • Hi Smudge77

    Stay strong and here to chat.

    Appendiceal cancer is so scary.  The cancer has spread to my bowel and diaghram and I'm currently now going through 6 cycles of chemo as they need to reduce the spread before I can be offered HIPEC treatment. So hard to cope with the side effects as well as the menopause making it so much worse. nausea the worst

    I have been so angry lately and just want my life back!! Became a granny in November and it's the BEST feeling ever. Try to focus on someone or something to keep your positivity going, I know it's so hard at times. Stay strong, it's good to chat to someone going through similar ***!! C can get to ***!

    Diane xx

  • Diane thanks for replying. I've just been feeling so scared with all of this. I'm sorry to hear what your going through and I'm sending lots of positive thoughts that your chemo is over soon and you get the surgery you need. I'm going to try and get back to work to stop thinking about myself for two minutes!  Congratulations on becoming a gran. It must be so hard for your family too. I'm terrified I won't get to see that with my own kids. As you say we need to stay positive and I'm trying. Would be good to keep in touch and I agree C can do one! Cathy x

  • Hi SMUDGE77

    Am so sorry for what your are going through I was diagnosed with the cancer of the appendix in 2015 was 39 and just given birth 6 months it was surrel was lost in shock but somehow the kid's kept me going but the worse part no information was given to me it was alot test blood CT scan and there was no much information given either but on December 2015 a week before Xmas was finally told it was hard as got 5 kid's and one of my kids with special needs I started taking videos for memories as now didn't know if I will make it through the surgery as by then I was informed that the cancer was there while I was pregnant so my baby was lucky it didn't get to her appointment was made for the surgery in 2016 April was meant to be in hospital for 3 weeks the thought of leaving the kids and the baby was harder than worrying of the cancer surgery went well and the removed all the cancer now it was recovery time but all didn't go well when I contracted anemonia my lungs crash and I heard to be put in a induced coma I woke up a week later rather confused a day before my birthday I asked the nurses to call my husband and my husband was shocked to hear from me as he was prepared that was not gonna make it I ended me staying in hospital for 3 months as needed another key hole surgery as kept on vomiting  I left in June was so happy to be back home am antibiotics for life and omerazal for stomach acidity that doesn't end there as getting used to ur new u got in trouble in December spend my Xmas in hospital as I heard stomach users due to the nature of the surgery I heard a small tear on my intestine which caused the damage but was home before the new year 2017 thought we get away for a mini holiday in Skegness in April only to get ill again and my family having to go back home without me same problem again and am glad to say that was the last time I was in hospital am doing well still on my meds happy am able to see my first grand child have your surgery date set yet? Xx 

  • Thank you for messaging me x I'm so sorry you've had such an ordeal! I'm on watch and wait for now so no surgery at the moment. Another scan next month and check ups every 3 months. The anxiety is terrible but you'll know all about that. I hope you remain well and I'm sending hugs. Enjoy being a gran. Cathy x

  • I have appendix cancer too. Had crs and hipec 3 weeks ago. Hang in there babe xx

  • Hi x thanks for getting in touch. Not sure what's ahead but hoping for positive news. Hope you're doing ok after surgery? Love cathy

  • Hi I'm new to this..

    in feb my appendix purfarated and spent 9 days in hospital with a terrible infection, I was then told they thought I had Mucocele of appendix and had regular scans and colonoscopy which Thankyou was clear.

    my last scan showed it was getting bigger again so the other day I had to go to Basingstoke, next month I'm having major surgery to remove appendix my overies top layer of my liver and a few other things, I also may need my spleen removing to have to have lots of injections next week incase.

    im hoping my bowel does not have to be touched but it is what it is..

    im so nervous with the operation they think it will be a 7/7 hour op, 

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