Hi all.
Well i never thought I would be here. Just found out after having my appendix removed that there was a Tumour in there. Apparently it's quite a rare form of cancer! Everything has happened so quickly and I cant seem to get any answers from anywhere.
It was "sorry to tell you but there was a tumour in your appendix"
"an MDT will sit down on friday and they will go from there"
Sent home from the hospital (I had gone back in pain 2 weeks after having 'acute appendicitis') with no information just that it's a rare form of cancer. I'm only 32. I'm absolutely petrified, I had my appendix out on the 3rd of march and I'm still in horrible pain, hurts mostly when I eat. Cant go to the toilet properly either. I went back the following day for a CT scan and still wasnt told much either just that it's being handled by an MDT!! All I really know is that the tumor had caused the appendicitis. I do know that they went back and looked at my appendix after I returned to hospital in pain. What do I. Who do i talk to. How long do i wait. I have 2 children and i can barely look at them without breaking inside.