Appendix cancer

Hi all. 

Well i never thought I would be here. Just found out after having my appendix removed that there was a Tumour in there. Apparently it's quite a rare form of cancer! Everything has happened so quickly and I cant seem to get any answers from anywhere.

It was "sorry to tell you but there was a tumour in your appendix"

"an MDT will sit down on friday and they will go from there"

Sent home from the hospital (I had gone back in pain 2 weeks after having 'acute appendicitis') with no information  just that it's a rare form of cancer. I'm only 32. I'm absolutely petrified, I had my appendix out on the 3rd of march and I'm still in horrible pain, hurts mostly when I eat. Cant go to the toilet properly either. I went back the following day for a CT scan and still wasnt told much either just that it's being handled by an MDT!! All I really know is that the tumor had caused the appendicitis. I do know that they went back and looked at my appendix after I returned to hospital in pain. What do I. Who do i talk to. How long do i wait. I have 2 children and i can barely look at them without breaking inside. 

  • Yeah they did say it was quite rare for our age.. they told me it was slow growing, well that great but how long has it been slow growing.. lol. I was also worried about being in my bowels as one had so much trouble with bowels for a few years now. 

    I'm forever looking into nueroendicrine tumours and researching and it's just crazy. We make jokes about it just because if I didnt I'd go mad I think. My brothers only a year younger than me and he likes to wind me up so I throw the cancer card at him and he always gives me a scowl and says that's not fair I cant use that one it sounds terrible but that's kind of kept me going through it. The witty banter.  

    I think the worst part was at hospital bring told 'prepare for chemo' prepare for surgery ect and then nearly 2 weeks of going insane to be told yeah we think your ok now, we removed the whole tumour so just a few lose ends to tie up and your right as rain... it was like the scariest thing ever. 



  • Hi....


    Just wondered how you are doing, and Lynn?


  • Hi. I am doing ok thank you. All of my test results have all now come back clear so I dont need to be seen now untill November. 


    How are you doing 


    Genna xx


  • Fantastic, that is great news, well done.


    I'm STILL waiting to hear when I might get tested, it's frustrating as I would like to know I am clear properly for now.  Unfortunately, my consultant was due to phone me today for a follow up call and that didn't happen.  I am feeling a bit forgotten.


    Really pleased you got clear results.  Do you mind if I ask what tests you had done?

  • Hi all, I am in a similar boat to you. I had CT scan, after pains and bloating and feeling unwell. The scan showed a tumour on my appendix and they are going to remove my appendix next week, which should hopefully be the end of it, unless it has spread to my bowel. Didn’t take it all in sitting opposite the doctor at the hospital.


    Hope you're all well now.

  • Good luck for the operation.


    Take it steady.

  • I had 24 hour urine tests and blood tests. They were looking for a specific type of protein. They came back clear l  then i had CT on abdomen and then further Thorax CT. And then had a colonoscopy. And thank god everything was clear. 


    I cant believe they haven't called today. I hope they dont leave you hanging. 


    I dont have to be seen again now until november so I feel partly like it's a relief but partly still tied to it all. It's been stressful lol. Xx

  • Hi.. bless you. Its scary isnt it. Have they told you if it is malignant yet or not.. my tumour was a nueroendicrine tumour which is cancerous but luckily is also slow growing so hadn't spread at all and once my appendix was removed and all the tests came back clear I required no further treatment.  I hope all goes well.. here if you need someone to talk too. Xx

  • Hi. I had 2 types of cancer, neuroendocrine and a neoplasm. Both tumours removed with good margins along with a bit of bowel. J
  • It is overwhelming, it's a bit of a blur sometimes, which is not a bad thing.


    Best wishes again.

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