Grade 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma


I would like to know from you lovely lot if anyone has had Oncotype DX test and your oncologist was expecting it to be high score for recurrence but actually turned out to be low.  

I have Grade 3 IDC highly ER positive 8/8 HER2 negative.  My oncologist thinks I will need chemo due to high ER score.  I find out on 6th March.  The hanging around and not knowing what the plan is, is doing my head in.  I know the waiting is frustrating for everyone on here, the thing that's keeping me going is my training for London Marathon but I'm even feeling like I can't be arsed to do that.



  • Hello Mother Harris  and Silver. 

    Hope you are both getting on ok. Talk about being upagainst it?!! Nightmare times but you two appear to have it nailed. I can only guess what you are both going through but BIG respect. I am not sure I would  have your fortitude but your  strength gives us all a boost. 

    My main opposition is my mind. I talk myself into a low mood on occasion but try hard not to go there. Life is tough but it will get better  

    I am still toying with the idea of not taking hormones. MAY try them out though over the next 3 months. Might as well because I am not going anywhere!  

    Sweet dreams. 

    Go well. 

    Kebbs x x 

  • Hi all, I haven't caught up in sometime. Just wishing you all a speedy recovery from every chemo. I'm hapoy for you all that it is going ahead. I'm still, "still" waiting for my post lumpectomy results. In a way worried that they won't offer me treatment that I need. Let's see eh.

    Can't wait till all this corona business is over. Another challenge for us girls to face but nothing is impossible. 
