Radiotherapy pre treatment assessment

Had my assessment today for radiotherapy. Went well had a CT scan followed by tattoos. Treatments start on 17th July. Feeling ok about everything at the moment. Just wanted to say hi 

  • Hi shaky, hopefully others will join you to talk there's [@Marlyn]‍, [@Chriss]‍ and [@Sandra123]‍, are always a good friend to talk to, nice to hear your calm hope you keep like it, best wishes,.


  • Hello love,

    i did 23 sessions of rads....finished 2 weeks ago. The only bit of advice I wish I had been given is.....don't moisturise before a session....I basically basted myself ! It's all healing nicely now, and the rads team really looked after me.....let us know how you get on? Xx

  • Hi shaky ...

    Well once you start,  you'll be on the rollercoaster... but just look around .. wer all there with you ... Marlyn has been a true hero .. though she'll probly not admit it ... many don't... they think it's just what they have to do .. but as someone who didn't need chemo.. and didn't have radiotherapy coz of my weak bones .. to me, they are true hero's... not only do they take it all on .. but still come on to help others ...

    So just know your not alone .. lots of support ... sending you a vertual hug.... Chrissie xx

  • Thankyou everyone. I also have 23 sessions of radio and 5 sessions of chemo. Hoping I hold up ok xxx

  • Hi Shaking

    I had 4 chemo and 32 radiotherapy...advice I would give is listen to your body, rest when you need to and keep a positive outlook. I had a few bad side effects from radiotherapy, but that was because it was pelvic radiotherapy and it affects your bladder and bowels. 

    Steroids I had after chemo kept me awake and starving! I was permanently looking for food, but had no issues with the chemo at all. Radiotherapy is very tiring, so don’t try and do too much...just take it easy and think of it as a short period in your life where you have to just get on with it. Wishing you all the best with your treatment. xx

  • Thankyou. I am very positive at the moment but if course I feel ok currently. I have 2 small children and that concerns me but I have a great support network. I know I have to have it all done to get rid of this cancer and I am taking one day at a time xxx

  • You have a great attitude, and I can tell you from experience that really helps in treatment and recovery. I found it got harder as treatment went along, but I told myself every day I could do it-even when I thought I couldn’t. I took one day at a time and tried hard to focus on that and not look too far ahead. Accept all help that’s offered, especially having children. Having that support network is a huge bonus. 

    I’m 6 months out of treatment now, no evidence of disease and feeling really good. 

    Remember if you ever feel down that you are stronger than you think! xxx

  • I'm really glad you are on the mend I hope it stays defeated. Thankyou for your kind words xxx

  • Hi shaky you've certainly got the right attitude to beat it remember its a lot better than shaking like a leaf,, your attitude is a lot like mine I'm going to win nomatter what, keep it up like chrissy says get your pink boxing gloves on showit your boss best wishes.


  • Hi [@Shakingmad]‍  i haven't seen you on forum lately but wish you all the brest for the seven teanth. Hope you're still looking after yourself. Best wishes. 
