Recently diagnosed with breast cancer

Hi everyone , I’m 44 recently diagnosed with Breast cancer DCIS and also hormone positive . Its in my lymph nodes aswell . Had CT , Bone Scan and MRI . I’m back on Tuesday to find out results . I’m freaked out having pain in the middle of my back and kept thinking it’s spread . Everyone says it’s stress . I’m fairly healthy never smoked . Just wondering has anyone any advice please . Xx

  • Twintwo, I was thinking I hadn't seen you and you pop up! How are things going? 

    I had chemo 4 yesterday so feeling a bit grotty now. Was told I will be starting herceptin after chemo finishes, but hadn't realised I will be kept in for 6 hours incase of any reactions , then on the next one it will be 2 hours then all being well the others will be a 5 min job... I was also relieved to read you and your mum were ok on it...fingers crossed I will be xxxxx

  • Hi I’m sorry to jump on your post but i am similar to your situation, I think. I’m 47 found out few weeks ago grade two breast cancer after finding large mass and having biopsy but wasn’t given a stage yet. Biopsy done Thursday on lymph nodes as they are enlarged but was told if it has spread to lymph nodes then will need a body scan to see if it’s spread.  Sending myself do lolly thinking I’ve got stage four and it’s spread with only weeks/months to live. Can’t understand why all this waiting. Cantbthey jyst take it out and then start treatment. I want to know what I’m facing and how we plan to fight it then I can start kicking it’s *** -hopefully 

  • Hi Mejules , 

    sorry to hear about all you are going through. The waiting is the worst part . Mine is in my lymph nodes but thankfully hasn’t spread anywhere else . I was given CT , Bone Scan and MRI . They are honestly not that bad . Try not to worry as the lovely ladies on here told me. I just kept thinking positive thoughts and put the negative out of my mind . I know it’s easier said than done . Fingers crossed all goes well for you . Keep in touch and let us know how you get on . Xxxx


    Hi Mejules,

    I am so sorry to hear about you diagnosis. Waiting for the results of tests is always a worrying time. We all tend to think the worst at this stage, but fortunately, this doesn't often come to pass.

    I sincerely hope that there is no spread to the lymph nodes. A lot happens behind the scenes whilst you are getting tests. They have to get the results back from the laboratory. When these come back, the consultant will attend a multidisciplinary team meeting (MDT) and here s/he will discuss with other members of your care team, the best form of treatment specifically for you.There are over 100 types of breast cancer and they need to know a number of factors before starting on treatment. They don't want to rush into treatment head first, without knowing exactly what they are up against.

    Once your consultant knows what you are up against, s/he will not waste any time on commencing treatmnt, so please try not to worry too much.

    Do please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi thanks for replying. I’m having trouble as I’m fixating on it being stage four and no hope. The wording “large” is making me assume it’s bad and the fact they think it was hiding eight months ago when I last had a mammogram also making me think it’s really bad. Stage four meditate is causing me sleepless nights and bouts of me feeling low. I’ve got shoulder pain, sore throat, everything indicating it has spread. I know it’s so irrational but I just can’t stop. Be found out it’s oestrogen positive and reh2 negative so have stopped drinking cows milk but unsure if I should be drinking soya as that also contains elements of oestrogen. I could waffle on and on about what I’ve googled and know it’s the wrong thing to do. Just sonwant a treatment plan . 

    Sorry to be so negative and I do truly appreciate your reply. Will keep you updated x 


    Hi Mejules,

    What is making you think that you have grade 4 cancer, when it has already been diagnosed as grade 2? I know that most of us tend to think the worst before diagnosis, but you know that this is not the case now.

    We all tend to suffer similar emotions to you whilst waiting on the results of tests, but fortunately, this seldom seems to be the case. Try your best to stay away from Dr Google, as many of these sites are out of date, poorly researched or printed for sensationalism. It never does anyone any good and only serves to scare us even more. Try your best to stay away from these sites. If you must search, try only the respected sites like this one.

    I do hope that there is a simpler solution to all of your problems and that you don’t have much longer to wait before you start treatment.

    Kind regards,
    Jolamine xx

  • Hi

    im sorry I think I’ve waffled that much I’ve got myself confused haha it’s grade 2 but they haven’t given me a stage and it’s the stage 4 that I’m obsessing about. Irrational I know. Get my biopsy results from the lymph nodes today so hoping for some positive news but with them being enlarged I’m guessin the likelihood is it’s spread to them x 



    thank you for replying. I’m not normally such a negative nancy and most of the time I find myself upbeat and forgetting I’ve got breast cancer as in myself generally I feel no different but I do lapse into panick mode occasionally and google every ache and pain. Thanks for being supportive truly appreciate it x 


    Hi Mejules,

    I've been where you are. I've had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 9 years, but I've also had a number of false alarms. In both instances I've felt just as stressed as you are now. On the whole, I've had more good results than bad from my diagnoses. This is in line with the general results for breast cancer, where only 1 person in 10 is diagnosed with cancer when they attend the breast clinic.

    You will get your staging after surgery, so no point in worrying about it until then. Try to keep yourself as busy as possible to take your mind off the wait.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jean,  I to was diagnosed with breast cancer and affected lymph nodes when I was 45.   As everyone says the waiting is definitely the worst bit.   I had the same as you full scan and all fine, even though my back was really hurting me.  This was 23 years ago.  I think we get so stressed, so scared that the brain goes into overdrive.   I could not sleep and felt I could not really talk to anyone, or at least not what I wanted to really say.   My husband bought me a hard back notebook and told me to write down anything I wanted to and he said he would never ever read it (unless I wanted him to of course)   Often at some ungodly hour in the morning, when the night terrors come, I would get up and write down exactly what I felt like, be sad, be angry, all emotions.  it seemed that once I got it out of my system I was calmer and could sleep and it really helped.  Being free to say what ever I wanted.   It helped me so much I continued it on for a few years and after all these years, my husband has kept his word and has never read it.

    Try it, could help you

  • Hi Gloverbee , 

    thank you for sharing your story with me . Wow 23 years that’s amazing . I’m going to take your advice and write everything down . That’s a great idea . I’m trying to be as positive as I can .

    im meeting with the oncologist tomorrow so am a little worried about that as don’t know what to expect. 

    Thank you again for your advice. Will let you know how I get on . 


    J  xxxxx