Recently diagnosed with breast cancer

Hi everyone , I’m 44 recently diagnosed with Breast cancer DCIS and also hormone positive . Its in my lymph nodes aswell . Had CT , Bone Scan and MRI . I’m back on Tuesday to find out results . I’m freaked out having pain in the middle of my back and kept thinking it’s spread . Everyone says it’s stress . I’m fairly healthy never smoked . Just wondering has anyone any advice please . Xx


    Hi Woolylamb,

    I'm sorry to hear that it is in your nodes - do you know how many it is in? It is however good news that it hasn't spread elsewhere.

    You will probably discuss the way forward with your oncologist next week. Most people leave telling family until they know exactly what they are facing.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine


    its in 2 nodes, I don’t know whether that’s good or bad. 



  • Hi BigJean,

    Welcome to the forum, but sorry for the reasons you've joined us.

    I was diagnosed last year with stage 3C breast cancer (at 41).  It is very easy to consider every other pain and twinge to be spread of the cancer but the reality is when you get bad news like cancer you do tense up, you don't sleep as well, you get anxious and all these things will lead to pain in your back, neck etc. so best try not to overthink them.  You are in good hands now and will be starting treatment so best to leave aside any unecessary anxiety.

    Like you I was healthy, never smoked, not a great drinker, but the fact is we don't give ourselves breast cancer.  Knowing that there are numerous variables that can (very) slightly increase or decrease risk of getting breast cancer isn't the same as causation.  As it turns out mine is genetic, but for most it's just bad luck.

    We'll all be here for support as you go through treatment.  Ask any questions you want, I hope you fnd this place as invaluable as I have.


  • Hi Jolamine ,

    thank you for your kind words . I’m so sorry you lost your mum and you going through it twice . I am not going to let it get me down just back from a big walk with my family and I feel great . That’s the weird thing I don’t feel sick at all . 

    I’ll let you know how I get on on Tuesday but I am ready to fight 

    talk soon xx

  • Hi Twintwo, 

    thank you so much for your words of encouragement . I’m in really great form today am being very positive and am ready to fight .  Sorry to hear about your diagnosis . I’m so thankful for all the support I have gotten on here , I’m just going to focus on what the dr told me when he said I had BC he said it’s treatable and I said I didn’t want to die and he said I wasn’t going to .

    thanks again 

    talk soon xxx


    Hi BigJean,

    This is just the attitude you need. Keep it up.  Many of us don't feel sick or feel any pain when we first attend the breast clinic. Cancer is often found by chance rather than symptoms.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you on Tuesday.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Woolylamb,

    That's not too bad if they have only found it in 2 nodes, especially when they know that it hasn't spread elsewhere. Your treatment should zap this.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you Jolamine ,

    i will keep in touch and let you know how I get on . 

    Thanks again xxxxx

  • hi Big Jean


    just checking in to see how you are?



  • Hi WL , 

    sorry haven’t been on in a while . Had meeting with dr last week for results and was delighted all scans came back clear . Huge relief , my husband and I actually cried with relief that it hadn’t spread . 

    I have to meet with the oncologist in a couple of weeks then will start chemo for 4-6 months , then surgery after that . 

    Hipe all going well with you . Thanks so much for getting in touch I really appreciate it . Talk soon 
