Tonsil cancer radiotherapy

Hello Team

So sorry you’ve all had your struggles. I was about to celebrate twenty years clear of breast cancer when I was diagnosed.....

I've just had my cancerous tonsil removed but whilst looks contained there is not room for 5mm clearance margin and it was at the top of my tonsil. No results yet but scans for spread looked clear at time of surgery although unreported. 

I have two two teenage children in the midst of exams  and have not told them yet. Am waiting for more information but they are my greatest concern. 

I also wondered how small the radiotherapy field can be or is or is it a blanket dose to entire left side of neck even if nodes not involved? Is chemo likely? 


thank you

  • Hi Maria ,like younsay  your cameras have been clear so that’s a good indication. Dry mouth still,plaguing me got home on Tuesday it’s dark grey  and rainy as you know lol. 

    Had flu jab and acupuncture on Wednesday they knocked me a little for 6 but am good many weeks post treatment are yiu now ? I had my scan at  17 weeks Dr  wanted to make sure that all hot spot s would have gone .sat here trying to eat my favourites plain crisps I know mouth will be dry but a girls got to have some pleasures. 

    Please let me know when you hear something,just ring tomorrow not sure if they give them overnight phone know my dr liked to *** at the m d t meeting then tell his patients face to face ,but as we know they are all different  the pet ctbscan is the best scan to have a special it does show a through picture  

    onwards and upwards Look how far youve  come  

    Hazel xx


  • Bless u I could kill for a bag of crisps lol , I finished my treatment middle August , I've got a feeling they won't tell me over the phone , but your right we have both come along way , it's only when u stop and think that you realise and I suppose it is still early days yet , well will know soon I hope will let u know tomorrow if I find out.  Off to bed now the morphine kicking in lol so hopefully will get couple hours sleep , enjoy those crisps have one for me haha take care speak soon


    maria xxxx

  • Night night private’s message me tomorrow if yiu feels better doing that. 1/2 way down a 30 gram packet used to take me 4 mins niw can take up to an hour !!!!  Make s the agonies worth it lol. H xx

  • Haha well you enjoy them lol , ok will do thank can can always rely on you for lovely words and advice take care xxx

  • Thanks for posting my husband has had the same diagnosis and is about to start treatment in a couple of weeks. Feeling pretty apprehensive about it all so any information is really helpful. 

  • Hi Herbie


    So sorry to hear about your husband , is he having chemo and radiotherapy ? Treatmant itself is quite painless , it's the side effects of the radiotherapy that are pretty harsh , I finished my treatment on the 16th August this year and still have side effects but if it's a choice of those or living I choose side effects , I do have down days , the best person to talk to it Hazel ( radioactiveraz ) she is so lovely and a year ahead of me , she is full of great advice and tips on how to deal with things , and cheers me up when I'm having a s++t day .  She also has a blog  from the start of her treatment it's worth a read , Keep in touch and add me as a friend if u just want a chat , hope all goes well and as I said keep in touch xxxx

  • Thanks so much.  He’s got 6 weeks of radio with chemo once a week. Team at hospital are lovely but although he’s pretty brave about the whole thing he had a bit of a panic when they were measuring the mask as he thought too much about the fact it was pressing on his face. I’m trying to teach him mindfulness which is ironic as he has always been really sceptical about all that. I’m also a bit worried about the journey. Hospital is quite a long bus ride away. At moment I’ve said I will pick him up on chemo days but I’m thinking I will have to take maybe ten last 2 weeks off work. I’m trying to keep it to a minimum as I *** think they will pay me. Any tips re the mask would be great

  • Bless him , the mask can seem daunting , but honestly it's not as bad as you think , and you are only in it for roughly ten min that's all it takes , I think it's one of those things u just get used to , as for getting to hospital , I was 2.5 hours away , at first was gonna stay in hospital accommodation but only lasted 2 days got homesick , but found out if u have cancer you can get transport to and from hospital , I just asked my gp , they gave me number , and u just book the times u want , on radiotherapy days they would just wait for me , I know my husband wouldn't be able to take that much time off work , and first few weeks I suffered sickness from chemo so not nice being on public transport xxxx