Tonsil cancer radiotherapy

Hello Team

So sorry you’ve all had your struggles. I was about to celebrate twenty years clear of breast cancer when I was diagnosed.....

I've just had my cancerous tonsil removed but whilst looks contained there is not room for 5mm clearance margin and it was at the top of my tonsil. No results yet but scans for spread looked clear at time of surgery although unreported. 

I have two two teenage children in the midst of exams  and have not told them yet. Am waiting for more information but they are my greatest concern. 

I also wondered how small the radiotherapy field can be or is or is it a blanket dose to entire left side of neck even if nodes not involved? Is chemo likely? 


thank you

  • No,problem like I said I had no,pain what so ever which in tonsil cancer quite common , aren’t yiu gargling with salt water or baking powder and salt mix to try and smooth yiurnrhriat 

    hazel x

  • Yes I've tried everything :( even my GP has given me throat sprays to ease the pain but it's done nothing. I'm worried if I continue to take paracetamol every day it's going to effect the rest of my body x 

  • Hello fellow travellers, has anyone worked out the secret to getting some sleep at night. I’m 7 weeks post treatment and my sinuses have kicked off, especially blocking up at night. And when i open my mouth to breathe it drys on completely and wakes me up. Tried all the nasal sprays, decongestants, humidifier, a dozen pillows, but nothing seems to help. Anyone further down the line, any hope of the dry mouth improving...



  • Hi Shaun 

    I am 4 1/2 months post treatment my sleep is still sporadic but has generally improved a lot , I found Biotene gel helps with the dry mouth , I have tried the xylimelt tablets which stick to the gum and slowly dissolve , these I find a bit hit and miss , working better on some occasions than others . It's a difficult one finding what works best for the individual . I haven't had any medication for months now and my sinuses have been blocked for a few days so I bought some night nurse which seems to help with the sinuses and the sleep . Sometimes the gel doesn't last all night and if I wake with dry mouth which is getting rarer now ,I have a sip of water , renew the gel and back to sleep . Good luck finding what works for you . Keep pushing , it's early days .


  • Hi Shaun

    i am now  15 min post radiotherapy and dry mouth is still my biggest moan .ok it’s better than the earkybdays but for  example today as been a bad mouth day no ryhme  one reason for it well apart from me saying to hubby this morning umm my mouth feels pretty good .Will I never learn don’t say it out loud !

    but like Peter says the bio tend  gel rubbed  unto gums at night does help , I still swear by half a xyimelt. Every night I now get at least 7 solid hours just the odd sip of water no longer 3 glasses n loo trips. Ok no help  to you now just to proof that it does eventually get better. You do need some saliva for the xymelts to work. 

    Are you using alchol free mouthwashes ? I use bio xtra which I find good. 

    Late you still on any medication s ? As they can interrupt your sleeping patterns .re sinus sorry I can’t help with that other than have yiu tried olbias oil either on your pillow or the stick that you sniff ?

    At your stage I did my utmost to breath through my nose and onky out through my mouth try pulling sheet over your head to create a moist atmosphere. I have also started acupuncture have had 6 sessions and it has helped my dry mouth. It really is the pits onky us going through it really understand where yiu are coming from. I also discovered that my uvulva or dangly bit at back of throat git melted during treatment try looking in a magnifying mirror as thatbis also a gland that shoots saliva down the throat I didn’t discover mine had gone until a year after treatment .Another tip if you can tea and coffee dehydrate so try herbal or at least decaf drinks .same with sodas they dry yiu as well. Good old plain water 

    on a plus point I’ve just cycled over 800 km in Spain so there’s is light at the end of the tunnel 

    Hazel x

  • Thanks Pete and Hazel, yeah I know its early and I’m actually doing pretty well; almost off all pain meds, eating and tasting most solid foods. I’ve got some saliva but it disappears at night. I am pretty strict on diet, so no alcohol, caffeine, or other nasties.

    I’ll definitely try the xylimelts, biotene gel and got my next acupuncture session next week

    Hazel, sorry you lost your uvula i must check mine. But amazing effort cycling round spain. I did a bit of cycling back in the day and remember some brutal mountainous  rides in the heat, and wind of Lanzarote.

    take care,


  • Hi Shaun thank you my cycling been iver a period of 7 weeks due hime thus weekend so wontbget much cycling in the win andrain if home. Done a few hills  this time  temperature been  around 28 so pleasant but am just pleased to be out. Yes have a look at xyimelts I get mine from mouth ulcer company online plus in day time chemo xyitol chewing  gum constantly that does help. Check the labels in sugar free gum need xylitol to be the it’s first ingredient before sorbitol which dries you good re caffeine n no alcohol  let me know what u think to acupuncture? 

    I know we all want torun before we can walk but recovery is baby steps not giant   leaps  just wish the hospital s woukdntbusgeneei oh in a few weeks in woo be back to normal ! 

    Yes have a goodnight look at uvulva I don’t know when mine melted !

    tak carehazel 


  • Hi so sorry to hear of your diagnosis , I'm nearly 3 months post treatment , and to be honest I'm still in shock , don't think you take it in for a while , and once treatment starts that takes over and u don't have time to think , I had 7 rounds of chemo ,one a week , then six weeks every day apart from weekends of radiotherphy , to be honest they only takes about 15 min , are you far from hospital ? I had a two hour journey every day so it seemed to take up whole day , there is no pain in any of the treatments , the radiotherapy is the worse one , and the side effects are not nice ( I'm still suffering ) but I'm  alive so that's the main thing , no one person is the same so all our side effects are different , if you read radioactive raz blog she gives a no hold bar of everything , and she's lovely will always  help or give advice if u need it , she has been my saviour many a time , hope everything goes well with scan , keep us informed xxxx



  • Thank you Maria for your kind words ,as the saying goes been there  git the T-shirt read the book etc .only too pleased to help anyone throughit. Have already accepted friend request from Cornwall mum xx hope u r ok and the rains not effected you. 

    Set iff hime at weekend brrrrrr am ready for home though lol x

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