Tonsil cancer radiotherapy

Hello Team

So sorry you’ve all had your struggles. I was about to celebrate twenty years clear of breast cancer when I was diagnosed.....

I've just had my cancerous tonsil removed but whilst looks contained there is not room for 5mm clearance margin and it was at the top of my tonsil. No results yet but scans for spread looked clear at time of surgery although unreported. 

I have two two teenage children in the midst of exams  and have not told them yet. Am waiting for more information but they are my greatest concern. 

I also wondered how small the radiotherapy field can be or is or is it a blanket dose to entire left side of neck even if nodes not involved? Is chemo likely? 


thank you

  • That's great news peter so happy for u , it's not the nicest time is it never realised it would be this hard and I'm quite a tough cookie haha but suppose always one thing gonna take u down and feeling sick is my biggest hate of all time , but your right everyone here is amazing so glad I found this site , thank u for your reply and again so happy for you xxxx

  • So 10 weeks approx post treatment and still not feeling any better , can't eat at all so many sores in back of throat , so living on shakes , constant thick gunge in throat , driving me mad now , really thought would see a bit of improvement t by now , give me some  inspiration please , feels never bloody ending xxxx


  • Hi Maria

    imspiration 14 month post radiotherapy I biked up and down 2 mountains today 62 km in total ! Hang in there you can do it ,just babybsteps . A year ago I could do 8 Km on bike and that wore me out At 10 weeks I was still in ensures and cal shakes mostly ,with odd bits of food , I did manage Christmas dinner if sorts 17 weeks post radiotherapy it will come slowly. Just need to keep throwing the Hi gh calorie shakes down  are  you still  on painkillers ? Try some Luke warm broth nithung too hot we used to use slow cooker with shun beef in it carrots Andy onions plus a little consommé soup cook for hours hubby had the meat and veg I sipped the broth worth a try. It’s a long road but there’s is light at the end ifvthe tunnel just a few bends in the road .have yiu read the dr peter Harvey article After treatment what happens next ? Yiu can find it  online it’s written by one of the drs at my hospital otherwise I wouldn’t recommend it  


    Hazel xxx

  • Hi Maria 

    I am 17 weeks post treatment and right up to weeks 11 to 12 I found really tough much the same as you . The ulcers were horrendous and no pain relief seemed to work apart from Xylocaine spray which didn't last long , it really is the toughest of mental and physical struggles that during this period I couldn't see the end of , BUT it is quite amazing how the body can heal, the difference I have experienced since about week 13/14 post treatment has been amazing , the mouth ulcers have almost completely gone , the last two weeks I have regained my appetite and the last week especially have been eating 'grown ups' sized dinners for the first time in months . The hair I lost at the back of my neck due to the radiotherapy has grown back , the radiation burns to my neck have faded so much that they are hardly noticeable , I am also in my third week back at work as well as back at the gym. I am tired sometimes more than usual but this will dissipate in time. Sleep has been poor since my first day of treatment , waking 3 to 6 times a night ever since , but I got prescribed some sleeping pills which are breaking the habit of waking so much , it must be habit now as I am pain free . I know exactly where you are currently and although hard to believe you will improve , it just takes time and effort , the effort being the tough bit . Key thing is calories , I primarily lived on Farley's rusks , full fat milk , Fortisip and Actagian drinks , the protein content does help the body heal . I am not 100 % what I was but am getting there .Everybody on this forum , especially those ahead of you in recovery know exactly how you are feeling .You will definitely get there , just keep going , you are not alone . Look at where Hazel is 14 months on .There definitely is light at the end of the tunnel !! If you have any questions please ask 

    all the best 

  • Hi Peter. Glad to hear you are continuing to progress, thank you for kind words ! as they say been there done it gotbthe t shirt read the book etc. But yes agree protein is the key along with gentle exercise, ive read in the first year W should be trying to eat the equivalent of running a marathon a day just to repair what treatment did muchneasier said than done , I still have bad eating days  but always have Ensure in the fridge for this evening just in case days , hubby fancied pizza the other day and salad two words which really put dread into me but though hey he’s suffered enough so gave in ,yep couldn’t eat much if it so out popped the trusty Ensure to Ensure I got enough in my body to enable me to carry on biking. 

    Rant over lol

    Hazel xx

  • Hi Maria, so sorry you are finding things difficult. I am 6 weeks post, my mouth is still pretty sore but generally i’m doing ok. Just a few suggestions for things that worked for me.

    is the throat gunk mucous? I took Carbocisteine for my mucous and it really helped by thinning it out so i could cough it up.

    I have been surviving on Huel right from the start. Nutritionally it’s way better than the stuff the hospital recommended (Fortsip...yuch!) and i’m convinced it has helped my recovery. If you decide on it get the powder (not the premixed); it tastes better and you can mix it with anything you like

    What pain meds are you on. I had a mix of fentanyl patches, liquid morphine, pregabalin and paracetemol. Don’t be shy asking. Also i mouthwashed religiously with a mix of salt, bicarb, soluble asprin.

    Meditation or other relaxation therapy to help you feel better and help your immune system do its stuff. 

    Take care and remember this WILL pass.



  • Thank u again for all your reply's , I just seem to have down days ,I just want to wake up one day in no pain and be able to eat lol , but no pain no gain and at least I'm alive thank god , all your stories and suggestions really do help more than you know , so new day tomorrow , gonna have a pamper day I think , do my nails , dye my hair and hopefully will make me feel bit more human , 

    good to know everyone doing great , and once again thank you all

    Maria xxxx

  • Hello, 

    I really hope you don't mind me asking but I am concerned there is something wrong with my tonsils that is causing me so much pain. It's definitely not tonsillitis or anything. I have been referred to ENT because of my severe sort throat and neck pain. They said everything was clear and that my tonsils were a little swollen. They have got me another appointment to have an x ray of my throat basically drinking a liquid to highlight the areas. I do believe that my tonsils are the problem that I've had for 5 months. What symptoms did you get for tonsils cancer? Is it easily missed just by having a camera down your throat which is what I had first. 

  • Hi sophie ie in my case I had ni pain no sore  throat  no nothing onky a lump above my collar bone I could eat and drink perfect,y well .  The lump  put me on 14 day cancer pathway and the camera picked up tonsil cancer , so if youve  had that via ent consultant Andy  I am not medically trained but would take comfort in what they say . Go and do the  next course if treatment that they want to try re the ent consultant s do see  lots of different diagnoses every day only a small,percentage turn out to be cancer .i was one of the 1% of the unlucky ones 

    Hazel x

  • Thank you so much for your quick reply! I just don't have a clue what could be the cause of my sore throat it's like I swallowing a load of blades but my tonsils look swollen and raw red. I also truggle to swollow and eat full meals without feeling sick. The neck pain is horrible as well it's like someone has kicked me in the back of the neck and causing me headaches and earaches. Surely it can't be nothing? I'm relying on painkillers just to take the edge off things. It sounds like a lot of consultants are putting these symptoms down to anxiety which in my case is definitely not true. 

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