Tonsil cancer radiotherapy

Hello Team

So sorry you’ve all had your struggles. I was about to celebrate twenty years clear of breast cancer when I was diagnosed.....

I've just had my cancerous tonsil removed but whilst looks contained there is not room for 5mm clearance margin and it was at the top of my tonsil. No results yet but scans for spread looked clear at time of surgery although unreported. 

I have two two teenage children in the midst of exams  and have not told them yet. Am waiting for more information but they are my greatest concern. 

I also wondered how small the radiotherapy field can be or is or is it a blanket dose to entire left side of neck even if nodes not involved? Is chemo likely? 


thank you

  • Hi Maria not being a medic can’t say for deffo , but remember yiuve been pumped full,ofvradiotherapy and chemo your body s taking a battering. Try not to worry easy to say I know just remember how far youve come , as far as I am aware routine bloods don’t show cancer either new or spread only thing as far as I am  that can tell that is MRI scan so , you could be showing an infection in your bloods ?  Will p m you Hazel xx 

    Again am nit medically trained sometime drs surgery’s don’t really understand the fragility that we are facing and it’s a matter of fact to them x 

  • Hi Hazel hope your ok , 


    i know think I'm just reading too much into it , they really don't realise that a few simple words like abnormal what it makes you feel like xxxx

    maria xxxx

  • Hi Maria

    have p m you as well.

    yes am good cycled 44 km today ! Just look at me as inspiration keep strong .

    H x

  • I know you truly are an inspiration you really are xxxx

    maria xxx

  • Thank you just ain’t going to let Cancer Define me !


    Hazel xx

  • i really wouldn't worry about blood tests. I had that many i was sure they were vampires disguised as medics. They all turned uout to be a bit of a high reading or low reading on certain things but nothing serious a bit of medication could sort out out pretty quickly.]


    don't worry about cancer returning, apparently it's a type that doesn't anyway, and the cure rate is incredibly high. just all part of the process. I look back (finished treatment Nov 18, got 100% all cealr April this year) and it all seems a distant memory that I pay very little or no attention to now. 


    Dry mouth and swallowing some foods continues to be an issue but not insurmountable by any means. They say give it two years after the end of your treatent and that's how good you'll be from then on.


    All the early hassle and side effects soon fade into the background as time moves on. We've all been there and are still here fit and well and dishing out advice to people going through the same stuff we did, more or less, even though everyone is slightly different in what side effects the treatment has on them.


    Above all don't worry, it'll all turn out ok before you know it.

  • Hi Hilts911

    thank u for your reply , it's so nice that people take time out to do that , I know what u mean about taking blood it's every five min , so glad you have all clear and continue to get better it's lovely to hear 

    Maria xxxx

  • Hi Maria,


    Thanks for the kind words. Things do move slowly to start with in terms of recovery but almost imperceptably day by day things improve, until one day you think "what was all the fuss about, I had cancer, beaten it, and I'm ok now!" 


  • Thanks again for the kind words think some days I just get in a rut and feel like it's never gonna end , but I know it will coz you are all proof of that so thank you xxxx

  • Hi Maria 

    It is the toughest of journeys but you will get there . I am just over 3 1/2 months post treatment and I still get the odd bad day/night , I had the results from my 3 month post treatment PET scan on the 2nd of October and got the all clear , no sign at all of the nasty stuff !!!Try not to worry too much about the blood tests and focus on recovery , easy to say I know . This forum has been a huge help to me all through this process , it is great that people that have been clear for a long time still post advice and support . 

    Good luck with everything 


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