Tonsil cancer radiotherapy

Hello Team

So sorry you’ve all had your struggles. I was about to celebrate twenty years clear of breast cancer when I was diagnosed.....

I've just had my cancerous tonsil removed but whilst looks contained there is not room for 5mm clearance margin and it was at the top of my tonsil. No results yet but scans for spread looked clear at time of surgery although unreported. 

I have two two teenage children in the midst of exams  and have not told them yet. Am waiting for more information but they are my greatest concern. 

I also wondered how small the radiotherapy field can be or is or is it a blanket dose to entire left side of neck even if nodes not involved? Is chemo likely? 


thank you

  • Hello Jowispa


    Better late than never!

    Well done on finishing your treatment and sounds as though you are coping and improving having really been through the mill. Any chance of posting your back story as to how you found the cancer, diagnosis, lymph node involvement and any surgery? It may help others who regrettably follow us here.

    I went down the purely surgical route for the same cancer of the tonsil, HPV 16+. You are therefore my sliding doors moment as I could have opted just for radiotherapy. a couple of ways to skin my particular cat as no lymph node involvement (however all nodes removed just to be certain).

    Cant believe you are back at work so soon..... needs must or are you up to it?

    Im sure things will continue to improve for you. Good luck with the camera down.... you will get used to that.

    Jane x

  • I noticed a lump on my neck while talking to a friend.  I had no pain or sore throat or any signs of any problems but thought I had better check out the swelling.  I found out on 21st December it was a squeamous carcinoma on the tonsil and in the lymph node in my neck.  I didnt have a choice of treatment, I was just told I would have chemotherapy and radiotherapy and tonsils would not be taken out.  If when I have my final scan in July they may or may not remove the lymph node in my neck depending on the scan results and if all the cancer has gone.  I am up to it to be honest, if I sit at home I will only have time to worry about the possible outcomes and feel that my mind would be better off used at work.  I do have a sedentary job which helps but after a full day I go home and have a kip for an hour before tea which seems to sort me out.  I have a croaky throat but assumy that is due to the radiotherapy damage but will find out when they have a look with the camera on tuesday.  I am using my work computer to do this as I dont have one at home and I get the feeling everybody is ready to go home so I will be back again tomorrow.  It is nice to communicate with people who have had the same thing and get some idea of what other people are going through.  I will sign off for now but I will be be back.  Oh and I was told it was caused by the HPV virus and I was just unlucky.


  • Hi jo thanks for updating am sure scan will be fine. I am now 10 month post radiotherapy still having dry mouth issues but gettingbon with living.

    Keep in touch


  • Can you taste better now? does your mouth get sore inside when eating or is this something that wears off over time too?

  • Hi my mouth doesn’t get  sore but strange as this may sound it gets tired from eating some days. I’ve been lucky re ulcers once my radiation burn healed which took at least 12 weeks post treatment I’ve not had any ulcers. 

    Just issues with saliva I have some saliva it’s jyst not normal consistency it’s thick 



  • Hi Hazel 

    I am currently 16 days post treatment which consisted of 30 sessions of radiotherapy and 2 of chemo over six weeks ,everything luckily seems to be on the mend but I am experiencing some dryness to my mouth caused by the saliva glands being battered ! Has there been any improvement to your dry mouth ? are you producing any saliva ? I am really hoping I get some improvement as this is quite tough to deal with . Obviously everyone is different and some people I have read about are lucky enough to regain some natural saliva production . I just worry about how to cope with this long term .

    many thanks 



  • I finished my treatment in Nov 18 and to date only a slight improvemnet in dry mouth. I am told "it wll be ss good as it gets 2 years after end of treatment" but it won't be 100%. You'll just have to wait and see/ I had 35 sessions of radio so you might be a little better off thn me having 5 less. 

    After experimnting with alos the artifiial saliva sprays and gels I;m not using them anymore, especially the Bio-Extra Dry Mouth which strips the enamel from your teeth (can't velieve this range of products is allowed to be precribed.

    I find using the Duraphat 5000 toothpste s often s possible plus the Colgate Flouriguard Dental rinse mouthwash are the best way to keep your teeth safe and help with dry mouth. Find a small sealable bottle and decant some mouthwash into it so you can carry it around in your pocket, it will be enough to last you all day. Also what seems to work exremely well is sugar free chewing gum. It seems to generate saliva for soem reason. And of course drink water but you'll not have to drink that much you are going for a *** every 10 minutes if you use the products above. 


    Above all, don't panic, 16 days post treatment you wouldnt expect any improvement in dry mouth, as any improvements can take up to 2 years to appear. The sugar free gum I've only just discovered (don't know why the medics never told me about it) and is a bit of a game changer.


  • Hi Peter 

    it really is early days for you yes I am noticing small improvements in saliva . I use sugar free gun look fir the ones with xylitol as first ingredient as opposed to sorbitol as I find it kinder to mouth . Holland n Barrett do one. I use bio xtra  dry mouth wash  and have no problems as mouthwash but wecare all different. I have  check ups every 3 month at dentist . Keep sipping water 2 years is the magic number when we reach that what we gave us what we’ve got unlikely to get much better but there are always exceptions. When u can eat a bit better than his water based food like cucumber and celery cut into strips help. Keep off all tea  snd coffee as they dry. Also use duraphat toothpaste every time you try to eat as well plus if u can stand them the interdental brushes as lack of saliva causes food to stick in teeth 

    I have a blog with more tips

    Keep in touch


  • Hazel , many thanks for the invaluable advice . I will definitely be reading your blog .


  • Thanks for some great advice .


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