Just been diagnosed with breast cancer at 25..

Hello all!

Tonight has been a surreal moment after finding a lump in left breast, and ultrasound identifying enlarged lymph nodes, it has sadly been confirmed that i have invasice ductal breast cancer - a tripple negative breast cancer in my case. I am 25 with no real family history, so it is all a bit shocking. 

i however had prepared myself fully for this news, and when they told me, i felt strangely calm and ok with this. i am sure i will have my wobbly moments but i know i will fight this.

I am going to have a CT scan and mammogram as it is in my lymph nodes, to check if the cancer has spread anywhere else (thats the scary part for me). But i will start chemo in jan, and have 6 rounds of it. Halfway through my chemo i will have a follow up, and decide what surgery i will be having/what will be neccssary. Then go from there.

I thought i would write on here, to hear from those experiencing similar things, and see how chemo was for you? and also to see if there is anyone my age on here going through the same thing?


thank you,


Hannah xxx

  • Have any of you lovely ladies watched Victoria Derbyshire's blog on her chemo? Defo worth a watch.....we all have uncertain times ahead but of something we can be certain, there is massive support on here for each and every one of us by each and every one of us...xxxx

  • Hi Marilyn 

    yes, I have watched Victoria a Derbyshires blog, it’s definitely worth a watch as you say. 

    My biggest fear at the moment is the ct and bone scan and if it shows anything. I also need to have a node biopsy, nothing is palpable under nodes nor on ultrasound, but I have a 5cm tumor.

    as you say there is massive support on here. Thanks for taking the time to reply. I will keep you in my thoughts xx

  • And you will be in mine......please keep posting....I gain a lot of strength from you ladies xxxxxx

  • hi ladies sorry for being quiet over the Xmas period hope you all managed to enjoy it a little ️

    I had my ct scan yesterday which thankfully showed as clear which was all I’ve been worrying about- that it had spread. Got a couple more scans of my breast coming up and an appointment with the fertility clinic Thursday to sort out freezing my eggs before starting chemo in the next few weeks!

    I hope those who were waiting for their ct scan on this thread also get good results too!

    stay strong and positive all of you, and know that myself and all these other amazing strong women are only a message away if you need us!


    thinking of you all and sending lots of love xxxx


  • Delighted to read that your CT Scan came back clear, huge relief.

    Wishing you lots of luck with your other appointments before you start chemo.

    I had CT on Thursday,  and waiting for results, worried sick! Xx


  • Hi all

    So glad to hear your news country girl, I bet you breathed a huge sigh of relief and slept a little better. 

    I've not been online at all over Christmas, was trying to stop thinking about it all! Didn't work!

    Hope you are all well and managed to have a nice Christmas despite everything. 

    I start chemo on Wednesday, 3 of ec. Anyone have experience of this?

    I'm having a post Christmas wobble! Xxx

  • thank you ladies it was a huge sigh of relief and has made me go more into warrior mode for sure - we got this! Purple 2018 I’m wishing you the best of luck for your ct results and hope it all comes back clear also!

    good luck starting chemo lunamuna on Wednesday you’ll be fine I promise and you have all the support of the nurses and us I don’t have experience in that I’m afraid! It’s normal to have a wobble! My breast care nurse has been amazing to talk to if you have any concerns or worries!


    let us know how you both get on, lots of love xxx

  • Hi Hannah,

    Reaching out as I've found it really hard to find other 25 year olds with this diagnosis, this is the same as mine, triple negative, stage 2. Though I do have family history of the BRCA gene which I am being tested for, I pray I don't have it!

    You posted this in Dec so I guess you're a way along! I had my first chemo treatment today which went OK! No side affects apart from fatigue now. Feel just like I would when hung over really.

    Where are you from? I live in Bristol my insta account is holysseusfly, give me a follow and send me a message! Would be nice to link up.

    I first found my lump early Dec! So were on similar time scales.


    Holly xxx

  • So sorry to hear that news. Can't imagine how you must be feeling. I have an appointment at the breast clinic next week after finding a lump in my left breast which is now starting to give me pain now and again. My anxiety is just crazy at the moment, and a mother of 2 children it's hard not to worry about these things. I'm 25 and no family history of breast cancer so I'm hoping it's a non cancerous lump. After going to the clinic and having your lump examined, how long after did you get your results back? Keep on fighting love, you got this xx

  • Hi ladies, 

    I am also 25, found a lump on my left breast last week and have an appointment after my 2ww referral this Thursday at the breast clinic in Basingstoke (Hampshire). I am very nervous but whatever happens I know I will get the right care and support I need 


    hope you are all well, 

    love and hugs, keely xx