Just been diagnosed with breast cancer at 25..

Hello all!

Tonight has been a surreal moment after finding a lump in left breast, and ultrasound identifying enlarged lymph nodes, it has sadly been confirmed that i have invasice ductal breast cancer - a tripple negative breast cancer in my case. I am 25 with no real family history, so it is all a bit shocking. 

i however had prepared myself fully for this news, and when they told me, i felt strangely calm and ok with this. i am sure i will have my wobbly moments but i know i will fight this.

I am going to have a CT scan and mammogram as it is in my lymph nodes, to check if the cancer has spread anywhere else (thats the scary part for me). But i will start chemo in jan, and have 6 rounds of it. Halfway through my chemo i will have a follow up, and decide what surgery i will be having/what will be neccssary. Then go from there.

I thought i would write on here, to hear from those experiencing similar things, and see how chemo was for you? and also to see if there is anyone my age on here going through the same thing?


thank you,


Hannah xxx

  • Hi Hannah

    So sorry to hear your news. It's a total shock at any age but to be so young...

    I am 41 and was diagnosed on Monday. I am having the same tests as you and feel terrified that they will say it has spread. I also have it in my lymph nodes. But I have been told that they act like sponges soaking up all the bad stuff. So we have got to be positive, although the waiting is excruciating.

    I feel that once I know that it hasn't spread I can move towards getting better. You sound so brave, much braver than me!

    Everyone is lovely on here and I'm sure lots of people with have tonnes more information than me. 

    Stay brave and I'm sending you lots of positive vibes and a cuddle too. 


  • Hi Countrygirl25,

    i too have been confirm bc tonight after did my mamo,ultrasound and biopsy last Thursday. Going for CT scan and MRI next week to properly determine my stage. The doctor did mention surgery and chemo but not sure which way round yet and still waiting for HER result xxx

  • thank you for your kind posts back ladkes! It really is a scary time and it’s the uncertainty that’s the worst! But hopefully for us all our treatment will go as to plan and we will be well on the road to recovery! 

    Ive been told by my consultant alcohol is absolutely neccassary over Christmas and to try and enjoy myself before it all kicks off which I intend on doing!

    sending lots of of support and hugs both your way xxx

  • Hello

    i am 41 and also just diagnosed. My HER results came back positive and I start chemo after Xmas before surgery. I have CT scans later today and more ultra sounds. 

    I am so very scared.  I have only just found this forum and amazed at how many of us are going through the exact same thing at the same time. 

    Much love to all. 

  • Hi chequers

    Sorry to hear your news. I am 41 also and was diagnosed on Monday. I've got more tests today and the consultant has asked to see me so I am terrified they've found something else. 

    Have they given you a stage? I'm stage 2 grade 3.


  • To all us lovely ladies on here ....we got this! Together we are strong......it's good to talk, I love you all xxxxxx

  • Hi

    im really sorry about your diagnosis and to all the others recently diagnosed here also. I was diagnosed with stomach cancer in August at age 46 so understand what you’re going through. There will be a rollercoaster of emotions, highs and lows but it’s all normal. 

    A bit of advice if you’re looking for a good blog to read about BC is Liz O’Riordand she is a breast surgeon who has also had BC, her blog about her experiences and chemo were very beneficial to me even though I’ve a different cancer. Also the BBC radio 5 live blogs ‘you me and the big c’ are a great listen. (3 women with cancer, one of them Laura was on first dates hotel this year if you watch it) they touch on all subjects related to cancer and it’s treatment and I found really relatable due to their ages. I just found it reassuring hearing people talking about it in normal terms. 

    Wishing you all well and a wonderful Christmas. Definitely have the wine and enjoy! X


  • Thanks for the heads up, will defo be looking for liz's blog.....hope you are coping well with your diagnosis.....xxxxx

  • that’s great to know thank you! Will deffo have a look at that blog! Thank you for all the messages ladies and thinking of you all! We all got this, and will kick cancer in the Butt together! Lots of love you beautiful brave women xxx

  • Hi all my lovely new friends, 

    Just a quick update. I got some fabulous news today that my cancer has not spread. I nearly fainted, I was so convinced. I'm starting chemo after 27th. 6 months. And I'm on a new drug, can't remember the name that will be given same time as chemo that they think will really squash my aggressive cancer.

    I'm looking forward to a dew days off and having cuddles with my children and making Christmas special for them. 

    Sending all my love and positive thoughts to an amazing bunch of ladies on here
