
have just today been diagnosed with breast cancer and am booked in for a lumpectomy on 3rd jan.....any wise words would be welcome.....x

  • Hi Marlyn

    I had clear margins and no lymph node involvement so I don't need chemo. I go to radiotherapy planning on 25th. I am on Letrozole as I am post menopausal. The main SE for me is insomnia which is awful as I am working every day! I also am tearful and cry at the slightest thing! Low mood is another SE. The list is endless but these are the two I am experiencing. Hopefully I won't get more! Just finished the first month. 

    Hopefully you won't need chemo but every case is individual as I am learning reading the posts from all our wonderful brave friends on here! Whatever the outcome you can be assured our wonderful NHS is doing the best thing for you.

    Take care and hugs for you. 

    C x


  • I wonder what the difference is between letrozole and anastrozole I am also post many different meds and treatments out there.....good luck with it all and I hope the side effects wear off in time....because 5 years is a long time to feel

  • Absolutely! I am going to read up on it! It's a minefield.... when are you seeing the oncologist again? I have found it weird at first being seen every week and then getting a great pathology result and then being left to it until radiotherapy. It's a bit of a lonely feeling but thank goodness for my great family and friends. Xx

  • Hello all, many, many thanks for all your support. I am relieved to say I have nothing more serious than boobfuls of cyst. It is a great relief!  Unfortunately my partner has to have a scan as he has had pain and we need to see if his mesothelioma has progressed (see my original post). The roller coaster continues but at least I have been allowed to get off personally to support my lovely partner. 

    I hope all you ladies continue to do well and wish you the best and thank you for your support. 

    I’ll stay in touch xxxxxx

  • So happy for you! Stay well and best wishes to you and your partner. 

    C x

  • I was told an appointment will come through in about 3 weeks. How soon after surgery were you put on letrozole? It's odd isn't it? We get so used to the appointments here there and everywhere and suddenly a gap! What to do? Worry some more in my case, I have a very overactive imagination! Xx

  • I got my overall results a week after surgery and started meds the day after. Very nervously I may add! I have read a good piece of advice- don't read the side effects and you won't get them! Trouble is I am the sort of person who has to have all the facts. I bet you are the same. Xx