
have just today been diagnosed with breast cancer and am booked in for a lumpectomy on 3rd jan.....any wise words would be welcome.....x

  • Thank you, my sister wasn't at all helpful! I really am gobsmacked by her email, she has read a few books and is now an expert??? Knows better than my cancer doctor??? I think not! Yes, you of course are spot on, I will follow through (however tough) with any treatment plan I am given by the experts ( who are trained and experienced) 

    to be honest my sister has left me speechless, as if this isn't hard enough......I thank god for you lovely lot on here who know exactly how I feel and the emotions I am going through.....thank you xxxxx

  • Think that’s the hardest part people try and help but unless been through it don’t really understand 100% or they say stupid things! My mums cousin said she knew I didn’t have breast cancer because they would have told me on my first appointment! I was gob smacked! I said wish she had been my doctor then I wouldn’t have had to  have a lumpectomy done! 

    A couple of days after my lumpectomy I had a day of crying. Think the relief the lumps were out but also still not knowing at that point what was going on. It’s what they call the emotional rollercoaster x

  • Yes, I don't know how close a realtionship you have with your sister but if, you're close, she is probably struggling with her emotions too and thinks she's helping.

    Don't be too hard on her but you're absolutely right to go with your own instincts. You're doing really well Marlyn and making all the right decisions xx

  • Hi Marlyn,

    Fell by the wayside because at times I manage to tell myself this lump is a node that’s caused by infection. Then when it hasn’t disappeared I’m thinking it must be cancer and think of how I would tell my kids. 

    I come back to this site for reassurance and it helps to know people are fighting it - and winning. 

    Sorry to hear your sister is not being too helpful but this your fight and you will win. XXX





  • What your feeling is totally normal! I was like that when I was waiting for my first results then when they were inconclusive and had to have a lumpectomy convinced myself some days it was cancer I even started to write letters to my boys. They are 25 and 15. Your emotions are all over the place this is normal. Don’t be to hard on yourself x 

  • Hi all, my mum was diagnosed at the start of Dec and had a lumpectomy and lymph node removal on 28th. Like you Marlyn we are now waiting for results, hopefully this week. I have to praise the NHS as within 6 weeks of finding a little patch of hard tissue in her breast my mum had had her op and was home again.

               Most support we have had from family and friends has been great but we have had some bizarre advice such as ignoring the doctors and smoking cannabis instead. My mum has never even smoked a cigarette so I can't see her starting on cannabis at the age of 76. At least the idea of it gave us a laugh. Seriously though some people just need to be ignored. 

  • Hi star, will be interesting to find out what your Mum's treatment plan will be.....keep us posted if you can?

    yes, my sister also suggested cannabis oil! She has left me in a right whirl! 

    Good luck with


  • Evening ladies how is everyone today?? X

  • That’s not good, anything we can do to help?? Sending you a big hug x