adjuvant Chemotherapy

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with early stage IDC breast cancer.. I’ve already had lumpectomy, and have recently completed radiotherapy. And now, I will be undergoing chemotherapy.

I’d like to ask if anyone has undergone FEC-T regimen and have experienced severe side effects or complications. And if so, did you continue with the same regimen, changed regimen, or another option. And if you have completed FEC, how would you rate your quality of life after treatment? Thank you in advance for your opinions.

  • Hi Angie,

    As far as our hospital is concerned they've seen no benefit from the cold cap, but I don't know how long it's been available here.  I chose not to use it as I get hemiplegic migraines.

    Like others I coped very well with my hair loss.  I often went out completely bald, but wore a scarf if it was sunny and so I risked burning my scalp.  I have two wigs, a fake hair one and a real hair one.  I have worn both, but the main purpose of the real hair one was for big events where we will be looking at photos in years to come.  I don't want to be looking back and my first thought be "oh, that's when I had cancer".  Also, I'm an identical twin and my toddler nephew acted a bit different when I was bald (he thought I had "magic hair" that I could "take on and off" :D, he wasn't scared, but I think me suddenly being so different to his mum was strange for him).

    Admittedly it's been a case of "blink and my head has a good covering of hair".  Everyone is different, but of course in winter you are going to have to do things a bit differently and consider temperature etc.


  • Thanks everyone for head wear advice. My oncologist also mentioned that cold capping works for 50% of women, so I’m not sure I want to spend 2.5 hrs extra to save my hair, if it still would fall out anyway.

    TwinTwo, thanks for advising on wigs. I’ll likely get a wig for going out or special occasions with photos and rock the bald look now and then. Well, at least at home.

    Like you said Jacqi, it’s good to keep a sense of humor. Thanks for making me smile regarding the Snow White reference! 

    Evie18, hope side effects are not too heavy as you continue with chemo. I’m also curious if I’ll wear the wig that often. But it is handy for special occasions. 

    Ger73, congratulations on your mum finishing chemo! Jacqi gave a great description of pre-treatment preparations. Radiotherapy should feel like a breeze I’m sure! Although, it is an every day event. I drove myself to all the treatments and didn’t have any serious side effects. However, I did have delayed fatigue after my last treatment. Also, I used lots of lotion all over after each treatment as well as coconut oil, especially for my reconstruction latissimus dorsi flap wound to keep skin from drying out. I did burn a little, and now have a dark tan, but I believe that should go away in a few months. Other than the annoyance of going every day, radiotherapy went by very quickly and was rather painless.

    It’s so nice to be able to talk and share in this forum. 

