vocal chord cancer (T1) laser treatment, need advice

Have had laser surgery in sept for early vocal chord t1 cancer and was told it was successful but a month ago I had a check up which revealed there has been a reacurrance ( though only small and on the surface) so have had more laser surgery in the hope that will do the trick as the surgeon says its too small to warrant radiotherapy. Has anyone else had this kind of treatment and is this usual?( reacurrance and more lasering). I'm very concerned that this treatment may not be working or that cancer may keep coming back, resulting in radiotherapy and the possibility of eventually loosing my voice box. I know its early days and I'm probably worrying too much but would be very grateful if there is anyone out there who can comment on this.

  • Hi lucky us so glad to hear your news. I know what it's like when it's time for the check up we all get worried but it's  always such a relief when the news is good . You must be really pleased.

  • Hi Andy

    Thanks so much yes i am so relieved and pleased he got the ok next stage is to try and get travel insurance wish me luck. I truely hope your journey continues to be all positive news..

    Best wishes


  • Hi Lucky us.

    Nice to see that your husband has got the all clear again, I know how he feels, I went for my 4 month one and got the all clear again, not bad after 3 years since op.

    About holiday insurance, I know they charge more for cancer patients I have a list off mcmillan that give address for companys that deal in cancer insurance.

    I wanted insurance for a 5 day hoilday in June and I was told to try the post office, you phone them up on the number on there holiday form and answer question about the cancer and treatment.

    As I am not having treatment or going into hospital, they told me I could insure with them, I took it out and it was a lot cheaper than other quotes I had got.

    Hope this might help.


  • Hi Joeninty

    Thanks so much will give the post offfice a call all worth trying the best so far is world first travel but i am still looking

    pleased all is still going so well for you too

    Thanks again


  •      Hi all Apologies for hijacking your thread but i am two weeks post radiotherapy for t1 vocal, chord cancer, i am really struggling with my voice, and i know you all understand my frustration! what worries me though is that i coped really well during treatment, no problems eating or swallowing (i had 6 weeks radio) and coped on paracetamol and ibuprofen, but my voice is still getting worse, when after two weeks i was hoping it may at least show signs of adjusting a little even if not getting any better?

  • Hi Topstriker

    as you can see my husband was lucky enough not to need radiotherapy but i know people who have so i am just bumping you back up until someone comes on that may be able to help.

    Best of luck on your journey


  • Hi Luckyus

    I just wanted to say how pleased i am your luck is holding and giving your husband lovely clear scans.I  hope you have a great holiday.My husband gets around the insurance by getting family cover via his bank.

  • Hi Grumpy

    Yes i do believe we are one of the very lucky  ones funny i choose the name at 530am at work was so desperate for help at the time "luckyus" was a sarcastic saying as like most people i did not want to use my name but it has been lucky us so far

    as for insurance i am guessing you are on about one of those do it all account i asked our bank about this and he was not covered so well done your bank.

    best wishes to all


  • Hi Luckyus,

    Thanks for that, i have spoken to marion a few times before i started treatment, but they have changed things a bit on here since then, zarker is another guy i have read about a lot and seems to have had similar issues so hopefully they will be able to offer some advice!

  • Hi Topstriker

    Sorry to hear that you are having worries about your voice.  I had the same as you after treatment - my voice was OK for a couple of weeks and then it went completely and I thought that the treatment hadn't worked!  I spoke to my oncologist at the time and she said that it was normal for that to happen as the radiotherapy continues to work for many weeks after the treatment has finished.  You may find (like Andy) that your voice might not be as good as t was before but it will get better than it it now - it's very early days for you.  My voice went back to normal after a couple of months so I was very lucky but as the years have gone by (4 years since my treatment) I find that it strains very easily and I have good days and "husky" days.

    You should have a chat with your consultant/oncologist at your next appointment and hopefully they will be able to put your mind at rest.  I'm off on holiday tomorrow for 2 weeks but wish you well and I will log onto Cancer Chat when I get back so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

    Love Marion x