vocal chord cancer (T1) laser treatment, need advice

Have had laser surgery in sept for early vocal chord t1 cancer and was told it was successful but a month ago I had a check up which revealed there has been a reacurrance ( though only small and on the surface) so have had more laser surgery in the hope that will do the trick as the surgeon says its too small to warrant radiotherapy. Has anyone else had this kind of treatment and is this usual?( reacurrance and more lasering). I'm very concerned that this treatment may not be working or that cancer may keep coming back, resulting in radiotherapy and the possibility of eventually loosing my voice box. I know its early days and I'm probably worrying too much but would be very grateful if there is anyone out there who can comment on this.

  • Hi Andrea

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been bearing the brunt of your husband's frustration.  He must be so worried and unfortunately he is taking it out on his nearest and dearest (we always hurt the ones we love etc).

    He's obviously not coping very well at the moment and I can vouch for the fear and worry of the unknown whilst waiting for results and he has had to ensure a long wait so it is taking its toll on him.

    After my RT finished I had to wait 8 weeks before I could have an MRI scan to see if the treatment had worked and a further week for the results of the scan.  I was told that if the treatment had been unsuccessful the only option would have been to have a full laryngectomy. During that long wait I just went to pieces and would burst into tears for no apparent reason, I couldn't sleep, I didn't wait to see anyone and was a nightmare to live with.  The only way I could decribe it was in the depths of dispair.  My doctor put me in anti-depressants and sleeping tablets to get me through until the results.  I also saw a counsellor once a week.  Once I got the results and was told everything was good, my mood lifted instantly and I gradually returned to my normal self.

    Sorry, not meaning to harp on about me, but just letting know that the way your husband is acting could be because he is find it all too hard to cope with.  Roll on next week and everything will be fine and you can have a peaceful Christmas.  I agree with Andy and feel hopeful that the hospital would have been in touch by now if there was anything wrong as they will have had the results for some time already.

    As your husband is a worrier I wouldn't recommend he looks on the internet (sorry Michael) as it scared the life out of me.

    Keeping everything crossed for the 22nd.

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Marion

    Thank you so much for your reply i do believe it is worry and being off work with his ankle has just made it worse as he has had all day to think of it. Thank god i go to work to get out the way for a while. Thank you for sharing you knowledge about yourself this is what i needed to know its normal (maybe not everyone) shall put hammer away again for now. He has not been on the internet once to try and find anything out and laughs at me for needing to know. Still feels so long until next week the closer its getting the less i am sleeping which means my temper is quicker but trying very hard not to take it out on anyone.

    Will post how we get on



  • Hi Luckyus

    Just a quickie to say good luck for tomorrow.  Let us know how it goes.

    Take care and try not to worry (easier said than doneI know).

    Love Marion x

  • Good luck for tomorrow. Keeping everything crossed for you. Sure it will be fine.


  • Hi Marion,

    Into my fifth week and doing ok. The infection has cleared up but am still coughing a fair bit but the doc says that could just be the irritation caused by the RT. I''ve had no voice since I had the infection 2 weeks ago, I guess everything is still inflamed  and swollen with all the coughing etc and told it will come back when treatment has finished, I hope!!! So am whispering to my clients at work which is a bit strange but getting used to it. Luckily I can still swallow solid food even had a sandwich today but finding i'm not enjoying food as much as I normally do. My neck is red but not painful useing lots of creams etc.

    So looking forward for this to be over with and am crossing each session of the list, which i'm treating as my advent calender, final day jan 5th!!!! Hope you have a lovely christmas and great new year and thank you so much for all your help and support through out this year, don't know what I would have done with out you.


    Andy x

  • Hi Marion

    Thank you so much will try to post tomorrow to let you know how it went really nervous but at least we will know a bit more tomorrow

    Thanks again


  • Hi Andy

    Thank you as well for thinking of us tomorrow will let you know what happened as soon as i can. hope you are able to get some Christmas dinner down and we will all count the days until you are able to shout at your trainees again

    Thanks again


  • Hi Luckyus.

    Christmas is the time that everyone hope to get what they want.   I hope that the news tomorrow is the best news that christmas can bring.

    Will be thinking of you. all the best, hope that christmas is the best celabration for you all.

    Wish you all the best for the coming days.


  • Hi Michael

    Thank you so much i have fingers and toes crossed for tomorrow, we are out for a christmas party tomorrow so we will either celebrate its gone or  drowned the d*** thing he he will post as soon as possible.

    Thanks once again for all your support thank god for this site and all on this post that has continued to help me.

    Merry Christmas to you all ( just in case i dont feel it after tomorrow)



  • Hi Joeninty, Zarker, Marion,

    Thank you all so much for your support today it was so appreciated THE VERDICT: My husband got the all clear today no traces of cancer left. Now i know that is not yet the end of it but boy what a great christmas present for us. He is now on the 6 weekly checkups for a year and fingers crossed he will be lucky enough to sail through them.  Merry merry Christmas to you and thank you for your help.

    A Happy smiley hopeful  Luckyus.