vocal chord cancer (T1) laser treatment, need advice

Have had laser surgery in sept for early vocal chord t1 cancer and was told it was successful but a month ago I had a check up which revealed there has been a reacurrance ( though only small and on the surface) so have had more laser surgery in the hope that will do the trick as the surgeon says its too small to warrant radiotherapy. Has anyone else had this kind of treatment and is this usual?( reacurrance and more lasering). I'm very concerned that this treatment may not be working or that cancer may keep coming back, resulting in radiotherapy and the possibility of eventually loosing my voice box. I know its early days and I'm probably worrying too much but would be very grateful if there is anyone out there who can comment on this.

  • hI Zacker.

    Nice to here everything has gone well for you, my voice took a lot to settle down I know it is hard not being able to speak when you want to. look forward to getting better and getting about, I come from the north east and think the lake district is one of the best areas to go. have a nice time.


  • Hi Chris,

    Sorry to hear your news, I know exactly how you feel as twice now I have gone for my check up to be told that my displacia had come back, the first time resulting in another operation. You just feel disappointed and frustrated, I think the thing to focus on is that this isn't an over night fix and its a bit of a journey on road of recovery and we are lucky that we are being constantly monitored so that hopefully we can avoid a more serious health problem which would be harder to treat. Having said this its hard not to worry and get stressed about it as your mind works overtime imagining all sorts of things most of which don't apply to us coupled with the difficulty of actually speaking properly. Although my result was good my voice has been terrible this week part of which I put down to stress and worry and having to talk at work etc when I should be resting my voice. I think its going to be quite a while before my voice comes back properly and I know it won't be like it was before but I live with the hope that one day it will and trying to stay positive, and not stress and worry, but it is difficult . I hope your op goes well on weds and I will be thinking of you, let me know how you get on and try and put it out of your mind this w/e.

    All the best Chris

    Speak soon


  • Hi thanks very much for your reply and kind words. Love the lake district so really looking forward to it. Have a great weekend. Andy

  • Hi Andy

    I'm so glad to hear you had good news at the clinic! I was wondering - have you been offered speech therapy? It might help you to use your voice without straining it and help you to relax, because when you are stressed your neck muscles tighten and it affects your voice.

    Keep in touch and hope you stay healthy.

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Chris

    I was so sorry to hear that you have to go in for another biopsy tomorrow. Please let me know how you get on. I expect you will have to wait for 2 weeks for the results though? Try not to worry as I have been down that road so many times and most of the time it was good news.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    Take care,

    Love Marion x

  • hi..my father in law had had a sore throat since sept 09..doc fobbed him off with anti biotics then we got a ENT appointment..after a biopsy he was admitted on very same day...to cut long story short..hes now minus his vocal chords..have they checked ure lymph nodes also...he had half his thyroid removed also...

  • Marion, Andy, Joe,

    Hope your all well.

    Just a short update as to where I am after last biopsy. The dyspalsia is still there and the consultant was concerned at the frequency of the growths returning so he has put me forward for radiotherapy. I go for my first consultation on Thursday and then will find out what is going to happen.

    From what he was saying when I saw him last week I will getting the therapy for 3 weeks only so not a full course i presume. Part of me is nervous but in a strange way I am quite happy this is going to sorted hopefully once and for all as I am 90% certain it has returned already.

    The only thing worrying me is how my voice is going to be afterwards but to be honest it is awful now so fingers crossed for an improvement.

    I will keep you updated on how I go.


  • Hi Chris,

    Sorry to hear that but I'm sure as you say, this will get you sorted once and for all so you can get on with your life. As you know marion had radiotherapy and has since got her voice back so i'm sure you will be ok. Since we last spoke my voice has been steadily getting worse and although my check up in april went well my last one revealed some imflamation so he has put me on steroids and antibiotics to help reduce it, and its been slightly better, but if that doesn't work I will have to have another biopsy by laser, so 1 step forward 2 back! I have a feeling that I may too eventually have to go down the radiotherapy route if all this doesn't work. guess we just have to try and stay positive and focus on getting our selves well. I do long to be able to talk properly, I watch other people do what I used to be able to do and they do it so effortlessly! I'm sure and hope it will be the same for us one day soon, may take a little longer but WE WILL GET THERE. All the best chris and hope the treatment goes well for you and it isn't too disruptive. Please feel free to msg me when ever you want if you fancy a chat. This site has been a god send for me as Its good to talk with others who are going through the same thing as sometimes I feel like the only person in the world with a bad voice! Take care mate, speak soon.


  • Hi Chris

    Just want to wish you good luck at your consulation on Thursday and I'm so sorry that the news wasn't good. You will have to be fitted with a radiotherapy mask and will have a tiny "tattoo" on your chest so that can "line you up" for the treatment but all part of the planning that's necessary. Please do ask me anything you need to know about the treatment and side effects. I can give you my email address if you want so you can email me if you ever want reassurance or need to ask anything from someone who's experienced this nasty disease.

    You will probably find that when the treatment is all over and you recover, your voice will be much better than it is now. I have my 'normal' voice back and although I try not to strain it, my voice is perfect after having years of a very husky, hoarse voice. Ttry not to worry about your voice, the important thing is that you focus on the treatment and hopefully clear it up once and for all!

    Take care and please let us know how you get on after your appointment.

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Andy

    Sorry to hear that your voice isn't too good at the moment but last time you saw your consultant he was pleased so hopefully it might be better than you think. Have you seen a speech therapist? They teach you how to use your voice without straining it by relaxing your neck muscles when you speak. Saying that, I'm not sure that it helped that much really, although it did make me aware of situations to try and avoid (like being in very noisy environments).

    When is your next appointment?

    Keep in touch and take care.

    Love Marion x

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