Invasive lobular grade 2 breast ca

Hi all, 1st post on here. Was diagnosed on 15th January with 15mm er & pr positive her neg. Put straight onto Letrozole which I'm fine on so far. Lumpectomy booked for 2 weeks then radio. Kinda got my head around it but had contrast MRI 2 days ago as my breast is very dense so have been told other lesions could be behind it or could be bigger than they thought in which case treatment plan will change.  Could be up to 10 days wait & finding it so difficult not to catastrophise. Any experience very welcome xx

  • Hi Mandalou67 and djleen how did both your surgeries go?  Have you heard what treatment you are going to have.  Lobular cancer is a real *** as it is hard to pickup.  Hope you are both well.  I am here if you need to chat.

    Lee x

  • Hi, well they found another tumour hidden behind it on MRI which biopsy confirmed was cancer, again about 15mm with 3cms between the 2. Was tricky few days but decided to proceed with lumpectomy but magseed no longer suitable so had wire guided lumpectomy yesterday morning which thankfully removed both & lymph node biopsys done at same time.  All went well & despite being in a lot of pain I'm pleased with how much breast they managed to preserve as I didn't mind Mastectomy but was unsuitable for reconstruction so glad that they saved breast. Still doing well on letrozole & radio in 6-8 weeks depending on results of biopsys. 

    Hope you're ok, did you have your surgery? X

  • Hi Lee, sorry was replying to djleen & saw yours, thank you for thinking of us & won't repeat it all but yeah lobular does scare me more guess it is what it is so will just pester them moving forward for regular MRI rather than Mammograms as so much more reliable to detect lobular,  particularly as mammogram didn't show this 2nd one at all. Thanks for your support lovely . Have been so lucky with so much love but no one really understands the way we do when going through it x

  • I’m glad

    Sounds like they’ve moved quickly, which is great news.  I had my op just over a week ago.  I’m still in pain where they removed the lymph node but had the results back today and the area affected was smaller than they thought, on the MRI the bleed from the biopsy made it look worse than it actually was and there’s no sign in the node they removed.  Just waiting for my referral to the oncologist for more into on the radiotherapy and hormone therapy but feeling very grateful it was caught early and the cancerous area was half the size they thought it was. 

    Sending healing vibes your way for the post op recovery.  

  • Aww so pleased for you, that's great news that so much better than you'd anticipated & the results came back so quickly. I feel quite confident about lymph nodes as clear on ultrasound & MRI but we'll see as had a few curveballs so not getting too complacent just yet.

    My main pain is from lymph node too but hoping the exercises will help long term.

    Maybe you won't even need more treatment  my trust has policy to put straight on hormone blockers as er/pr positive her neg & always radiotherapy after lumpectomy but ultimately every case is different.  I was worried about tabs but no side effects so far & apparently would kick in by now as 5th week. Slight decrease in appetite but that suits me as could do with cutting down

    Hope your recovery continues well & let us know how your meeting goes or if you just fancy a chat x