Grade 2 breast cancer

Recently diagnosed grade 2 breast cancer from routine mammogram. 
surgery area is 47x33mm and removing nipple. 2 x tumours. Surgery on 14th feb. 
had to come off hrt. Emotions all over the place, feel like im being a drama 
I very up and down and tearful, trying to stay strong. Am very tired. 
anyone else going through this and did you have radio and chemo 

  • Hi, I’m sorry you’re going through this too. I have had a lumpectomy nearly a week ago. I too have emotions that are all over the place. I had to stop taking oestrogen, so I’m struggling with a bit of brain fog,

    I have an appointment next Wednesday with the surgeon to find out what was found, and what further treatment I should need.

    We have to stay positive, Wishing you well and hope you have support.

    Look after yourself, Jj73

  • Hi there I had lumpectomy and nipple removal 3rd December. My boob looks like a purse with zip across it. I picked up my hormone med letrozole yesterday and have my initial radiotherapy appointment 25 Feb. My head is all over the place and I’ve spoken to my MacMillan support worker today and she is referring me for counselling so that I can talk through my journey as I haven’t processed it. Take each day as it comes. 

  • I’m so sorry this happened to you.
    I have found that in my case I have felt all along that it’s not happening to me, I don’t know whether it’s the way my brain is coping with my situation. 
    I wish you all the best and hope you can benefit from your counselling. Accept any help offered from friends and family. Take care of yourself. Sending healing hugs your way. 

  • When I was diagnosed with breast cancer.i was so positive so positive for 4 months I didn’t let it bother me at all.however i do t no of it was the x4 chemo or the fact that I wasn’t sleeping very well.that im anxious all the time a tightness in my chest I panic all the time.scared of everything.questioning everything.brain fog also .surgery is on 14 th Feb also.hopeing talking to someone helps and medication off the doctor..i think k it’s something you just have to go though.Its not nice.but im hopeing it will make me stronger then before.and more able to look and care for my strong.cry.scream if you need have every right to your emotions 

  • Hi there I think we have to go through the surgery, additional treatment before we can start to process. You don’t say how old your daughter is but you will be strong in your own way. Don’t try and be a hero, do what you need to do but be honest with your feelings. Accept help. I have joined a support group, I’ve only been twice but the room was so full of positivity and there were people there who had cancer 20 years ago which shook off the death sentence I thought I had. You will find your own way to make sense of this