Hemoglobin level

Hi i am new to all this, I don't have a clue what I am doing or if any 1 as replied to me at all, any help would be so grateful 

  • Hi

    Your post is live but there is likely nobody with personal experience of your condition to give you a reply.

    The nurses are back on Monday and I'm sure if you check back then there will be a reply


  • Hello Bibabobbadiboo, 

    A warm welcome to our forum. I noticed your other thread where you posted your story and wanted to reassure you that it can sometimes take a couple of days to get a reply from someone on the forum. Farmer_Ed mentioned our cancer nurses but as your threads are not in the Ask the Nurses topic area, they will not be able to see or answer your post. Feel free to add another discussion in their topic area if you would like to have their advice and they will respond early next week. You can also give them a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and they will be happy to answer questions you might have or point you in the right direction. 

    If you need medical advice at the moment over the weekend, I would strongly recommend you ring 111 and they will be happy to offer you guidance or call your GP first thing on Monday and they will be able to advise you further on your hemoglobin levels and tell you more about what your results mean. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Biba

    Are you haemoglobin levels low?

    I have Myelo Fibrosis and was diagnosed on October

    can I help with anything?



  • Hi

    I have Myelo Fibrosis and struggle with my haemoglobin levels

    i was diagnosed in October and I’m on good meds now plus regular transfusions

    if there is any info or just a chat let me know

    Take care


  • Hi Iain , no they ar high, I av  had very low iron and anemia for years, but since been in hospital with sepsis last August, my hemoglobin levers have come back high , this is all new to me , nurses should av rang me last week from my practice but still no reply