Hi, I've just had a lot ov blood tests done, I was in hospital September last year, I had sepsis, I've nw been told my hemoglobin levels ar high

My doctors reception rang me this morning saying my hemaglobin levels were very high, she said a nurse would ring me and go through the results with me i normally have a low blood count i have low iron and anemia , so this is a little worrying to me as it's high, when I was in hospital with sepsis they found a 5ml lump on my right kidney, I was referred to a consultant to which I've forgot his name, they said this lump leaks and that is what leaked in to my blood stream and caused sepsis, if any 1 as gone through or ar going through this type ov thing please let me no I am so worried ,and many thanks for taking the time to read my story 

  • Hello Bibabobbadiboo, 

    I've replied to you on your other thread but wanted to make sure other members of our community read your story and contribute with their own experiences of having high haemoglobin levels. I can completely understand why you are feeling worried especially if you are used to have a low blood count and low iron but hopefully you can talk to a nurse tomorrow Monday and they can go through your results and explain everything to you in detail. So sorry to hear you were in hospital with sepsis and this must have been terrifying and it's normal that you are now worried given everything you've been through. 

    I hope you get some reassurance very soon when you speak to a nurse or a doctor about your blood test results and what they mean and that you will also hear from others on the forum who have also had high haemoglobin levels. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator