Diagnosed within the week

I felt a small lump at Xmas. My GP couldn’t feel it but referred me to the 2ww breast clinic. The lump was only truely found on the ultrasound, the mammogram was not certain. I had my biopsy and was told it was 50/50 This was Tuesday. Friday the consultant rang to confirm it was esteogen reactive and I need a lumpectomy. The lump is 8 mm and they don’t think there is node involvement. 

Friday I had my seed placed. Surgery is planned for the 27th January. I have been told I need a week of radiotherapy and hormone suppressant drugs. 

I don’t think I have really taken all of this in. I am 43 mum of 1 with a supportive husband and family. I know that this cancer is treatable, but I just can’t believe this has all happened. 

  • Yes I started the meds 2 weeks ago. Side effects are a bit scary if you read too much about it so I’m trying hard to keep off Dr Google. Like you say we just need to trust the pros and hope it all goes well. I’m pre menopause but I have been told the meds will cause menopause symptoms. 
    weirdly getting the cushion, getting your PJ etc…. Was a good distraction. I also downloaded movies on my phone to watch and a book on the day of surgery cause I was last on the list so it was a long day. 
    I think we’ve all got this lovely, it’s hard but definitely manageable once you get sorted with surgery. Lol I know what you mean though my poor family were scared to even talk to me during waiting for results it’s such a tense time. It’s limbo. 

    If you have any other queries please ask, so many people on here with helpful advice. 
