Diagnosed within the week

I felt a small lump at Xmas. My GP couldn’t feel it but referred me to the 2ww breast clinic. The lump was only truely found on the ultrasound, the mammogram was not certain. I had my biopsy and was told it was 50/50 This was Tuesday. Friday the consultant rang to confirm it was esteogen reactive and I need a lumpectomy. The lump is 8 mm and they don’t think there is node involvement. 

Friday I had my seed placed. Surgery is planned for the 27th January. I have been told I need a week of radiotherapy and hormone suppressant drugs. 

I don’t think I have really taken all of this in. I am 43 mum of 1 with a supportive husband and family. I know that this cancer is treatable, but I just can’t believe this has all happened. 

  • Hi Legolass,

    your story is exactly the same as mine. My lump was discovered through a routine mammogram though & also 8mm. I was told on 19th December & ever since it's all felt very surreal. I feel completely well & healthy. I had my lumpectomy 3 days ago & will also have 5 days of radiotherapy & most likely hormone therapy, depending on the outcome of the lymph nodes. I was told it looks like my lymph nodes are clear on the ultrasound but they still take some for testing during the op. 

    This is a very friendly group & I'm sure you'll find lots of support here. But I understand completely how you are feeling. It's a big shock to come to terms with.

    Lisa x

  • Hi Lisa, thanks for your reply.

    my name is Lisa too!

    It’s just crazy isn’t it? All happens so fast, I can’t catch my breath. 

    The consultant did say that they will take some nodes at my lumpectomy.

    How did you feel after surgery? I hope you had a quick recovery. When will you start your radiotherapy and medication?

    I have my official appointment tomorrow to fully go through the biopsy results etc… but my seed is in and I’m ready for the op.

    Keep well.

    Lisa x 

  • Hi Lisa!

    So I've taken 6 wks off work because it's my left breast, I'm left handed & I have a very physical job. I expected to not be able to use my arm/hand at all without any pain. 

    I've had very little pain, more just sore & very tender. Make sure you invest in a heart shaped pillow (Etsy about £7 apparently). I have found that invaluable for sleeping. It goes under your arm next to your boob.

    I've just found that I'm really tired so I've been taking it really easy. Op was Wednesday afternoon & I slept very little Wednesday night from the adrenaline & also not knowing if I should lay on my side. I've not needed any painkillers at all but I was sent home with liquid morphine so at bedtime I take 2.5mls to make sure I sleep. From the 2nd night I just slept on my side as usual. I've also had very little bruising so far & I'm on day 4. 

    I'm waiting to hear when to see my consultant again for the results but was told it'll probably be 2wks, so end of January hopefully. I'm guessing she'll then talk to me about radiotherapy dates & hormone therapy. I have a lot to speak to her about regarding that though  with family history stuff.

    I'm doing my exercises (from the physio) 4 times a day so hopefully my arm will be as mobile as before. Really not far off now but just need to get the strength back but that'll come. 

    Make sure you have all you need going into hospital. Button fastening pjs for after (although I think I could probably put loose tops over my head already), front fastening bra is a must & slip on shoes (I wore crocs). I took my dressing gown too to keep warm over the gown. 

    I felt very relaxed about the op & totally trusted the team. Think I like being taken care of lol, but I couldn't wait to get to the date & properly start the journey....

    How old is your child? I have 3. Two boys aged 21 & 18 & my daughter is 15.

    Best wishes xx

  • Hey,

    you sound like you’re doing amazing. Thank you so much for the tips, I’ll get my pillow ordered and nip to Asda today for some button front jammies and bra. I hadn’t even considered this. Did you have to stay in hospital of did you get out the same day?

    ok so the radiotherapy and meds bit doesn’t come directly after the surgery then? I have so many questions to ask them tomorrow. I have a list as long as my arm. 

    My job is hands on but low impact so hopefully it won’t interfere too much. I had a benign lump removed in 2008 but I can’t remember the recovery period. Did you get the physio advice before surgery then? Again so helpful to know all of this detail. 

    My boy is 5, he’s aware that something is going on but of course we’re all trying to behave as normally as possible, keep the routine going, but on my head I’m all over the place. I just want to get done with it as quickly as I can.  Like you just want to get started with the journey and sort this. 

    best wishes to you 

    Lisa X

  • Hi,

    I think generally the op is done in day surgery so for a lumpectomy you're sent home the same day. 

    I had a phonecall from my physio & then she emailed me the exercises. I've also been sent a follow up appointment with her in a few weeks time.

    I got my bra from M & S but have heard that Sainsbury's do them too a lot cheaper. I also bought a 2nd one, exactly the same on Vinted. You need to wear it day & night so good to have two.

    You may also want a pillow in the car for travelling home, to go under the seatbelt. Also wear jogging bottoms/leggings as you may find it difficult to put jeans on & fasten them straight away. I also bought an oversized shirt to wear on the day & for afterwards. I realised that all my tops are ones that go over your head so not suitable if you can't lift your arm. 

    If you have any other questions just ask. 

    There'll always be someone here with the answer.
