Ampullary (bile duct) cancer - been given less than a year to live. Does anyone else have this diagnosis?

I have been diagnosed with bile duct cancer at the beginning of November. They won’t operate or give me chemo because I have other things wrong with me .?Oncologist told me I have less than a year to live . It’s a very random time scale . Is anyone else have this diagnosis.

  • Hi 105N, 

    I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis and that it is not possible to operate or for you to receive chemotherapy treatment due to other health issues. It's very hard to be told that you have less than a year to live but as you rightly say it is a very random timescale so try not to focus on that if you can as no one can accurately predict how long someone might live. 

    There is information on our website on bile duct cancer which you might be interested in reading more about. I have had a little look on the forum to find others who have had this diagnosis before and found for example that  posted this thread 7 months ago about being diagnosed with cancer of the ampulla of Vater.  also posted this thread about ampullary carcinoma which you are also welcome to respond to if you wish. These are just a couple of examples and I hope that you will be able to connect with others here who have had a similar diagnosis and that they will drop by shortly to share their story with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I can’t really add anything to what Lucie has said, except to say that I wish I could say something more useful. I, too, had a diagnosis of ampullary cancer and I’m sorry that our situations aren’t more similar so I can be more helpful. But do please ask if there’s anything I can say that would be helpful to you.