Bladder Cancer Diagnosis

Can anyone offer any advice please? My mum, who is 83, was diagnosed with bladder cancer two weeks ago. Still have not heard anything about the CT results that she had three days before she was diagnosed. Hoping that this is a good sign and that no news is good news. She has to have a TURBT, which is booked in for next Thursday (16th) and she has her pre op appointment on the 13th. She's terrified bless her. She has to have a spinal anaesthetic because her health problems mean that she can't have a general. Are there any questions that we should ask at the pre op appointment next week? Any feedback would be greatly aappreciated.Thank you in advance.

  • Hello LunarLou, 

    I am so sorry to hear about your mum's bladder cancer diagnosis - the last couple of weeks must have been rather stressful for you especially as you are still waiting to hear about those important CT scan results. It can take a couple of weeks for CT scan results to come through and if you haven't heard anything back in the next few days, feel free to give them a call just to find out whether they can give you an update on this. 

    I hope that the TURBT goes well next week and I thought I would share with you the information we have on our website on the TURBT - there's even a nice little video which explains things very well and reading the information and watching the video may help you find some questions which you may wish to ask at the pre-op appointment next week. Make sure you write down any questions that spring to your mind so that you don't forget these on the day of the appointment. Feel free also to ring our cancer nurses on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and they will be happy to advise you for example on how best to prepare for the appointment and the types of questions you could ask.

    Other members of our community who have been through a bladder cancer diagnosis and had a TURBT before will I am sure be able to guide you further and share their bladder experience with you. I remember replying to a bladder cancer survivor on the forum just a few days ago -  posted this thread about their bladder cancer journey which I found inspirational and I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have been diagnosed with bladder cancer and who had a TURBT before.  

    I hope that it all goes well for your mum on the 16th  and best of luck too for her pre op on the 13th. Let us know how she gets on if you get a chance.  

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator