Waiting results


Well this Christmas has certainly been different to any other. I had 9 biopsies on Monday 23rd and I am waiting on results. The consultant said the lump I found is cancer but they are also investigating another 2. I am utterly petrified. I lost a friend to breast cancer 10 year ago. I find out this Friday what stage/ treatment etc. I feel like none of this is real. My breast is so sore and I just feel emotionally drained. I am so frightened but trying to stay upbeat for my children husband and family. I just don't know how to handle my emotions right now. Plus the guilt I feel for putting my family through this is worse then knowing I have cancer. 

  • Hi Annette,

    I'm so sorry you are going through this too. I think the waiting to hear is absolutely the worst bit. I felt like I was ok when I was told because at least I knew & my consultant had a plan for me.

    Try to keep busy these next few days

    Lisa xx

  • Hi lisa

    Thank you for replying. It's terrifying isn't it. I just keep looking at my husband and kids and want to bust into tears. I actually can not believe this is happening. 

    I know what ever happens I will try my hardest to be strong. I just want to hold them tight and never let go, it's breaking my heart knowing how worried they are. 

    Hope you are ok Lisa and the plan is working out well for you

    Annette xxx

  • I think my consultant told me straight away that it was cancer but very small, very treatable & most likely curable. I had a few tears & then told her they were actually tears of relief. I didn't actually care about the cancer because she'd already made me feel positive - I was just glad to know either way. 

    Mine is grade 1, I'm having a magseed inserted on Thursday & then my lumpectomy is on 15th January. I feel fine about it all so far. The next wait will be for the results to see if my lymph nodes are clear.

    Everyone's a very friendly bunch on here. It's good to find others going through a similar journey at the same time xx

  • Do you mind me asking did you find the lump?? I found mine on 13th Dec and can't believe how quickly the process has been. But they are investigating a lymph node and a smaller lump. I pray to God that mine isn't a really serious type. I didn't realise how many different sorts and treatments there are. Xxx

  • I don't mind you asking at all. So I have yearly mammograms because of my mum's history with breast cancer, although she didn't have the faulty gene. My mammogram was at the end of November & 2 days later I got a call saying spots of calcification had shown up & I needed an urgent ultrasound & biopsy. That happened a few days later & then 2 wks later I got the results. Mine is only 8mm & even the consultant couldn't feel it.

  • Hi Annette 

    How are you? 

    I just wanted to reply to you to let you know you're not alone in how you feel about your husband and children. The affect of my diagnosis on my husband (and parents) has been the hardest part of this for me too, I feel like I've let them down. I'm not far into this journey either so I can't offer any advice unfortunately, but just wanted to let you know I totally understand what you mean. I hope you get some positive news on Friday. Best wishes

  • Thank you so so much. And I wish you best wishes too. This is like living in a nightmare isn't it xxx

  • It's the worst. But there's so much they can do these days. I know it's hard but do try to stay positive!