Got the news today - I have melanoma - not sure how to feel right now

Hello all, I've had the results of a mole/lesion removal on my neck today and been told that it's a 0.4mm deep melanoma. The consultant believes a 1a I think. After initially having the feedback that it was very unlikely to be of concern it was a small shock but it is what it is. I'm 42 with a wife and 8yr old boy. I have a history of cancer in my family but I had hoped for a few more years before it raised its head. I am waiting on a dermatologist appointment for a full body check and I do have other moles, freckles over my body which have increased in size and irregularity as I've got a bit older so it's a bit of a worry. Right now I'm proper *** off but content, I believe I've been caught early so should be great full but am a bit wobbly to say the least. I lend my thoughts to everyone else who may be in a situation of de-stress or worry, good luck to you all and lets beat what ever is thrown at us.

  • Hi Miffmoo,

    It will take you a while for the shock to sink in but meanwhile, please know that your melanoma has been caught at a very early stage and there is a 99% chance that you will be successfully treated after surgery.

    Of course, there is always a slightly higher chance of getting a new primary melanoma once you've already had a diagnosis, but you are now under dermatology &, if anything looks suspicious, they will remove it & again, there is every chance it's been caught early. I've had 7 further moles/lesions removed since my original diagnosis and they were all benign so there is a good chance your other moles will be OK.

    You will be monitored for a year but they will show you how to check your moles & lymph node areas so that, if you find anything worrying, you get it checked out early. We usually advise that melanoma patients check themselves once a month - perhaps the 1st of each month so you don't forget. There are plenty of videos on YouTube that show how to check your skin & lymph node areas so it's worth checking them out. As long as you check yourself & protect yourself in the sun you should be fine.

    Try & forget it for now & have a good family Christmas.

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • It's the worst shock especially with young kids , I had skin cancer and radio still waiting for final appointment make sure it's gone and not spread , I understand how overwhelming it is, but it sounds like they have caught it early,  christies is a wonderful place they will fix you , it's never a good time for bad news but Xmas will be harder, reach out to macmillan they are so informative, caring and there to help , I've had dark days lots of time off work 3 beautiful young girls and would never of got through it with out the Mrs,  there's lots of people to talk to , good luck not that I think you need luck it's the quickness and skill of the people off christies,  macmillon and all the help out there.

    Peace and love sent your way , best wishes for Christmas x

  • Offline in reply to AngieT

    Hi Angie,

    I was very interested to note that you have been a stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009.  I too am a stage 3 melanoma patient, I have been now for about 18 months and am due to start a course of Pembrolizumab on dec. 31st. I’m a bit anxious about it.  I feel that I’m in some sort of nightmare that I’ll wake up from eventually. How are you now?

  • Offline in reply to Tony82

    Hi Tony,

    I'm very good thanks. I was diagnosed when there was no drug treatment available for Stage 3 patients (in fact, even before Stage 4 patients had drug treatment available other than trials). So the only treatment I had was a full clearance of lymph nodes - 23 from my groin & pelvis. Melanoma was found in one groin node & one pelvic node. I then had regular check ups for almost 12 years before being discharged (with an open door policy which I've need to use since for a couple of new lumps that turned out to be benign). Yes, I was left with lymphoedema but that's a small price to pay.

    The good thing is that, since September 2018, adjuvant drug treatment became available for newly diagnosed Stage 3 patients (should mine return I will then be eligible for it). Recent stats show that these treatments are showing promising results & more Stage 3 patients aren't progressing as in earlier days. I know that starting a new drug regime can be scary but there are lots of melanoma patients doing well on all the adjuvant drug treatments available.

    I don't have personal experience of being on adjuvant treatment but I do know many melanoma patients that have and, for that reason, I've sent you a friend request. If you accept it we can chat by private message &, if I can't answer any of your questions I will always know someone I can ask.

    Take care & try and have a lovely Christmas before your treatment starts.


  • I just wanted to say thank you for your posts on this thread, I've had my head in the shed for a few days and trying to lift my head now. I have additional tissue removal planned in just over a week and am waiting on a mole map. Something I've asked the hospital to clarify for me today though was that dermatology are saying I'm a routine referral which surprises me as I was sure the doc to delivered the results said that dermatology were likely to call me the same day. I have asked for this to be kindly check as don't want to fall between the cracks due to any errors in perception.

    If the lesion on my neck was the only blemish/mole I was worried about I would be more at peace but I have quite a few although the neck one was the newest and largest. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing however.

    Thanks you all again, hope your treatment and health is all positive moving forward. Happy Christmas.

  • Focus on the fact that the offending mole has been removed, that you don't have long to wait for the Wide Local Excision (which is a belt & braces procedure and almost all come back clear for Stage 1a patients) and that you have been offered mole mapping which is really helpful for patients who have lots of moles (it's not offered  routinely). Honestly, you've got this - don't let it spoil your family Christmas & everything will look much better in the New Year. Happy Christmas.

  • Thank you Angie.


  • Offline in reply to AngieT

    Hi Angie,

    I would like to accept your friend request.  I received an email from someone in the forum telling me of your request and I clicked on accept.  I don’t think it’s that simple though. It seems I have to register.  I should say that this sort of use of the internet is unfamiliar to me and I am quite lost with how all of this forum works. I will try to get my son,who is far more tech. savy, to help. Hopefully then I will be able to chat better.  Thank you for taking the trouble to chat with me and have a happy Christmas yourself.

  • Offline in reply to Tony82

    You don't need to register. You accepted my friend request & you've sent me a private message so you've cracked it. I think you are confusing adding a photo and a little bio on your profile with 'registering.' You don't have to do that if it's confusing you - once you are happy navigating yourself around the forum can you do it later or even leave it blank.

    I will reply to your message - you will see there is a message waiting for you in the rectangular shaped icon in the top right of your screen - just click on it to open it.