Not sure how to feel - waiting for breast biopsy results after small lump found during ultrasound

Hi all. I have recently had a biopsy of my breast and just waiting on the results. I was referred to the breast clinic after my routine mammogram was unclear. They took further mammograms and gave me an ultrasound and found a very small lump that I would never have found myself. They said that it was small, early and treatable as they are erring on the side that it is most likely the C word. My emotions are all over the place and it comes in waves. not really sure what to expect with what comes next. 

  • Hi LF2024

    I have my appointment for Friday and I am really nervous. I was ok earlier when I received to call with the appointment but now the nerves are kicking in. Xxx

  • Hi LF2024

    How was your radiotherapy appointment?? Xx

  • At least you haven't got long to wait, I hope your ok. My mind went into overload at that point. What time is your appointment? Are you going with someone? I went to all my appointments on my own but looking back I think it might have been better to take someone. I really hope it's nothing, let me know how you get on xx

    My oncologist appointment was positive, he did say he will recommend I am tested for the BRCA gene because of my age and family history and now I feel like that's hanging over me! I want it done ASAP but I think it's a bit of a process? I'm waiting for a letter for the radiotherapy dates and they want to do a CT scan before Christmas so they can see what area to target but with only a couple of weeks to go and royal mail I'm worrying about that now!

    I've since caught an awful cold and think I have cording from the surgery, I'm literally falling apart xxx

  • Hi 

    Yeah I have someone coming with me. It's at 10am. Hope you feel better soon and get rid of the cold. I would like to think they will know of the royal mail probs and perhaps phone you with an appointment. I have no family history of breast cancer. Yeah I know what you mean about things hanging over you. Hopefully it won't be too long. Xxxx

  • Thank you!! X

    No history is another really big positive!! Glad your not going alone.

    I'll be thinking of you at 10am on Friday. I bet your desperate to get it out of the way now. Try not to google trust me it just makes you feel worse xxx

  • Thank you. Yeah I found that out the hard way with Google. I wish it was today so it's over and done with. Xxx

  • I understand, I was even trying to google pictures of the lump on ultrasound that Id seen at a side view!! Its puts you down a rabbit hole!! I wanted the day to come quick but when it did I didn't want it to be the day if that makes sense! Its so hard.

    I really hope it goes well tomorrow.

    I've actually managed to get an appointment to discuss my BRCA test at the doctors tonight at 7.15!! xx

  • Thank you. I hope your appointment goes well tonight, that's good you got one quick.. let me know how it goes. Xxxx

  • Hey!

    How did you get on? Hope your ok xx

  • Hey sorry. Yeah I have it but it is very low grade and very early. The consultant said I should make a full recovery. I have either to have a lumpectomy or a that and a breast reduction (got big boobs lol). I have to go back on Monday to let them know what I decide to do. Then after the op I will get radiotherapy and probs a tablet. Still feeling a bit strange but a bit relieved as well as i know what I am dealing with. She also said there is no sign of it in my lymph nodes but they always remove a couple to be 100% sure. Did you get that done too??. How did you get on at the Docs last night?? Xxxx