Hi everyone, I am newly diagnosed (been home from the consultant 2 hrs) didn't want to Google so came to this site to look for support.
2 weeks ago I had a colonoscopy and gastrocopy. They found a 6cm tumor rectal passage. Consultant then told me today it possibly originated from gynae area and have ovarian cancer too and there is a question mark over something in my lungs. I'm absolutely shocked and devastated. Because they won't be able to tell me for another week what exact cancer it is, where it's spread and what treatment. I'm in limbo for another week and just keep thinking of my little boy whose 8 and my husband.. I'm 44. I just cant believe it. Apart from bleeding when I went to the loo (started in august) I'm shocked that it's spread and they can't determine the origin and how far it's spread. I'm so scared. Scared that chemo won't help scared that's it's spread out of control. Just terrified xx