Newly diagnosed but they are unsure

Hi everyone, I am newly diagnosed (been home from the consultant 2 hrs) didn't want to Google so came to this site to look for support. 

2 weeks ago I had a colonoscopy and gastrocopy. They found a 6cm tumor rectal passage. Consultant then told me today it possibly originated from gynae area and have ovarian cancer too and there is a question mark over something in my lungs. I'm absolutely shocked and devastated. Because they won't be able to tell me for another week what exact cancer it is, where it's spread and what treatment. I'm in limbo for another week and just keep thinking of my little boy whose 8 and my husband.. I'm 44. I just cant believe it. Apart from bleeding when I went to the loo (started in august) I'm shocked that it's spread and they can't determine the origin and how far it's spread. I'm so scared. Scared that chemo won't help scared that's it's spread out of control. Just terrified xx

  • Hello Bella44

    I'm so sorry to hear that you've been given the news of a cancer diagnosis today. It's understandable that you're feeling shocked, scared and overwhelmed by this news and what it may mean for you. 

    I'm sure that you will get replies from other forum members who understand how a cancer diagnosis impacts you soon but I just wanted to reply to let you know about our nurse team. If you want to talk things through with them, particularly ahead of your next appointment, you're most welcome to give them a call. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information and support they can as well as help you think about any questions you might want to ask the specialists. If you do want to talk with them they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    It's going to be a difficult few days while you're waiting for more information. Please avoid trying to find answers online. It will only leave you feeling more anxious. Instead, try to keep busy and hopefully you and your husband and little one can plan some fun adventures to keep you all busy over the weekend. 

    We're here for you Bella so keep in touch if it helps to have a safe space to put down in writing your questions, concerns or to simply chat with others who understand. 

    Sending you my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you so much Jenn. I really appreciate your response and words x

  • I understand  what you are going through. Waiting is the worst thing about all this. I can only say from my experience that once you know exactly what you’re dealing with and what the treatment plan is you will probably feel so much better. It’s all so overwhelming when you have so many questions and not enough answers. I’m thinking of you and hope you get news soon of what the plan is to make you well again.


  • Thank you so much for your advice and words. I feel like I'm going insane. I'm thinking all sorts of horrible things and I just hope and pray they can help me. I'm so scared they are going to say they can't. I'm trying to keep busy and positive but its so hard. Thank you again Happy Flower xxxx