Colorectal cancer with possible liver mets

Hi,  I have just received a confirmed diagnosis of a colorectal cancer after having a colonoscopy  3 weeks ago and a CT scan a fortnight ago. I had no symptoms, this has all happened following my first routine bowel screening because I recently turned 50!

i had a previous colonoscopy 2 years ago which was clear so each step of my journey so far I’ve gone in to naively assuming all would be well.

However, it’s the gift that just keeps giving and I met with the colorectal surgeon today who told me the CT scan had revealed areas of concern on both lobes of my liver that are more than likely mets from the colorectal tumour. I already had an MRI scheduled for next week but will now have another on my liver and also a PET scan. So many ‘what ifs’ and I just need a plan.

I can’t believe all this is going on inside my body and I was feeling ok. I am trying my hardest to keep looking at the positives (Thank God for the bowel screening) but it’s getting difficult as I share the news with the people I love  and watch their worlds change forever (I have 4 kids and we told them tonight). I am scared but what I want most of all is for my kids to be ok. 

I’ve reached out to connect with a few of you who seem to have gone through / are going through similar to me, I hope that’s ok  xx

  • I think I’ve just been unlucky that it spread. The bowel tumour is quite small. From the start I felt reassured by the fact I had the colonoscopy 2 years ago - it meant that anything that was there was fairly new. The secondaries were a shock but it is what it is and I just need to trust the experts. You’re right - they are amazing. Let me know how you get on. Clare

  • Did they tell you after the Colonoscopy that they'd seen something ,or did they take biopsies during Colonoscopy and found it ?? 

  • Hi Jenny, they found an ulcerated polyp when they did the colonoscopy so this was biopsied.  They told me about that the day of the colonoscopy and that it was approx 18mm. When I had the colonoscopy two years ago, they didn’t find anything but took biopsies that came back clear x

  • As you say quite small it makes you wonder how it has spread to the liver , you must be so relieved they have found it and you are in safe hands ,I hope your chemo goes well ,I'll et you know how I get on ,its torture waiting for results ....

  • Hi there, I was diagnosed almost 5 weeks ago and I still cant take it all in. I have bowel cancer at the sigmoid and a tiny spot on my liver that has metastasised from the bowel. I was seen by the oncologist last week and have to start chemotherapy on December 4th for 3 months. It all very terrifying when they are giving you all the possible side affects that you may get. Once I have had the chemotherapy they will rescan me and then I will need two surgeries. One to remove the bowel tumour and I need to go to Edinburgh for the liver surgery. I am glad to have found this forum with people who are going through the same thing as me. 

  • Hi it is very scary when they go through things I didn’t have chemo first not sure why it might have been because I had a neuroendocrime bowel tumour. All I can say is that amazing things can be done with our bodies and if they are recommending surgery go with it as they do know the best course of action x hope all goes well with you x 

  • Offline in reply to Willow6


    It is scary when the unknown lies ahead. Just to share with you I had been diagnosed back early July with a tumor in the bowel .surgery and 45 lymph nodes removed at time and six weeks after surgery oral chemotherapy was started I am just heading towards the third cycle ..the forth cycle ending Christmas day !! Then in Jan a scan to see where /how it's at side affects ..they do make worrying reading but my experience has been mainly nausea and fatigue . Meds are given to help with nausea ...this is a journey that holds many what ifs and our minds are powerful things ...but I tell myself I got this ...I can give it my best shot can too ...sending all good wishes for a speedy recovery with successful outcomes 

  • Hi, you look to have a similar treatment plan to me. I will be doing my 3rd round of chemo the day after you have your first. Are you at the Beatson?

    We all have similar cancers and there is no way for us to know why some of us have a certain treatment plan and others have a different one but the specialists really do know what they are doing and in all our cases I hope and pray we have the best of outcomes. It is scary and so hard to believe it is actually happening to you. My main side effects from week 1 were also nausea and tiredness, and just a general feeling of not being quite with it but by the following week I felt like my old self again but you do get paranoid about the more serious stuff. I do lots of deep breathing if I feel all the thoughts in my head are getting too much and try to just concentrate on the here and now so all I am thinking about just now is the chemo, I will think about the next scan and the operation later. Please feel free to private message me. Clare

  • Hi Claire, thanks for your reply it’s really lovely to hear from you and what I can expect the treatment to be like. I was only at the Beatson Last Wednesday for a PET scan. I’m being treated at Wishaw but my chemotherapy will start at Beatson Monklands hospital and then I can go home for the infusion to finish over 48 hours. My surgeon is excellent  and as are the colorectal nurses. 

  • Thank you, I am staying positive and doing meditations and positive affirmations that are really helping me especially my mental health. My family and friends are amazing. I hope you are doing okay.
