I have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer

Hello my name is Peter.

I have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. This is my second experience of cancer as I had nasopharynx cancer 20 years ago so I thought perhaps I had done my bit but such is life. My gleeson score was 3+4 with a PSA of 5.8 so it has been found early and I'm glad I had my PSA checked regularly.

I have been advised that treatment rather than active surveillance would be the best route to take and I have been given a number of options. I can't decide between brachytherapy and 5 sessions of intense external beam radiotherapy plus 6 months of hormone injections so just wondered if anyone can share their experiences of the side effects from these two treatments?

Many thanks.

  • Hi Peter, 

    I am so sorry to hear that cancer has struck twice, first 20 years ago and that you are now having to face a prostate cancer diagnosis. It's good though that it has been found early so you did well to have your PSA checked regularly.  It can be difficult to know what the best treatment option might be and making an informed decision is not always easy. You can read more on our website on treatment for prostate cancer including a section on brachytherapy, information on external beam radiotherapy and you can also find out more on hormone therapy. All this information is interesting but nothing replaces hearing from personal stories and experiences so I hope that you will get the insights of other members of our community who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and had to face similar treatment choices. I am sure that they will be happy to tell you what side effects they might have encountered and what treatment they found worked best for them. 

    I had a little look around the forum for you and found a couple of members who also had a prostate cancer diagnosis you might wish to connect with. For example,  posted this prostate cancer thread recently asking for experiences of radiotherapy and you will also notice  's reply - Eddie is one of our lovely members with extensive experience of prostate cancer so could be another good person for you to chat to here. Those are just a few examples but there are many more and I will now let others who have been through prostate cancer treatment or who are currently having to make similar choices come and say hello and share their story with you. 

    If you find you have questions about these treatments, don't hesitate also to ring our cancer nurses' helpline on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and they will be happy to help and answer any queries you might have. 

    It's an important decision you are having to make so don't feel shy also to talk things through with your specialist and see whether they might be able to advise you on what the most suitable treatments might be and from the options you have been given which ones they think in their medical expertise would be most beneficial. 

    I hope this helps a little and that you can find the best treatment for you and that you will be able to start it very soon. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator 

  • Hi Peter, and welcome, great to hear your cancer has been caught early, I didn't have brachytherapy, though you will probably be offered low dose, also called permanent seed, which a few friends had it causes fewer side effects, I know ED and incontinence issues were a problem for some but they were generally milder and over a shorter period, EBRT and HT as you have been offered is becoming a first choice treatment for many, from friends experiences, side effects are milder but with more possibilities, as well as ED and incontinence, there was fatigue, hot sweats, man boobs and expanding waistline. Peter I had EBRT the maximum dose and HT for life and got most of the side effects, was very lucky not to get ED, we are all different as are our side effects, there are guys who have none or very few and although most are treatable and not permanent, they can be for a few, one thing to consider you can have EBRT after brachytherapy but not the other way round, though I'm no expert your treatment options will be done to cure, best wishes.


  • Hi Peter,

      wecome to the forum.

    Wish my gleason score and psa were as low as yours, 9 and 11.5 respectively.

    HDR and 25 sessions of external beam radiation plus three years of pro strap hormone injections seem to have worked.

    Side affects? I spent a lot of time in the bathroom but with 5 sessions I doubt the worst will happen to you.  HDR was not really an issue except for being wheeled around the hospital with my legs in the air.  Hot flushes from the injections were nasty but they affect people to differenent degrees, some of mine were nasty but there's a drug to ease them. ED was a big issue, haha, get a pump, exercise the muscle and you'll be at it again in no time, if not Cavaject. Me? Another 12 months on Abiraterone and then I'll be trying to get it working again.....

    Good luck with your treatment.

  • Thanks Eddie, your reply is much appreciated.

  • Many thanks for your reply and good luck over the next 12 months.